the fuckin weather thread

Lol California, Arizona, Nevada….all under heat death warning and energy restriction.
I’m walking over to the thermostat right now to turn it down.
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Our ERCOT grid covering most of TX has issued a recommendation to leave your temp at 78 when home, 82 when sleeping and 85 when away. lol

I'm on the MISO grid suckers. Apt always at a cool 68 degrees:popcorn:
Only supposed to be 98ºF/37ºC/310ºK/666ºS today which will probably make me put on a Trylakos Sweater® after how hot it has been all week.
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so the northwest and northeast are getting baked apparently. yall okay? crank the ac

by the way, yall can keep the heat. we good down here
We are having a "heatwave" in the's about 30°C so high 80s. Literally the whole country is moaning about it.

So how pathetic does that sound to you guys? Bear in mind none of our homes have AC. Many homes (including mine) are very well insulated too. It's fucking boiling at night...I'm literally laying in bed naked with no sheet sweating my ass off.
We have 32 right now. I'm cool with it but if it don't decrease below 25 for 3 nights in a row it starts getting borderline dangerous. Higher than 35 you gotta slow down movements to a crawl.
A heatwave in the high 80s sounds weak. In the afternoon its over a 100 with the humidity over here. And I workout in that.

However, not having AC is definitely a game changer and I dont envy you. I sleep with the AC at 68-70 degrees, with a fan on and just a sheet and light comforter.
Hottest this month has been 40ºC.

My hometown hit 47ºC a week ago.

I have experienced 50ºC and it is really something.

I translated this all to Eurotalk but I'm not sure if y'all even have thermometers that go that high.
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we get 100 - 110 (40 - 45 C?) on a consistent yearly basis during the summer. that's with the humidity. i start sweating before i get to my car. and then the car is boiling