NOW WHERE IS YOUR GOD?!. Posters annoy.

They should have worded the ad differently imo. What the hell does "there's probably no god" mean anyway? That's not a very convincing, or reassuring, message at all...
You sound bitter.

Well that's what the "worrying" is, in all honesty. Most people in fact aren't so sure the way they live their lives is the best way, especially given the diversity of faiths and all the ways in which those denominations dictate morality. How are we supposed to know whether being a bare theist or an orthodox devotee will guarantee salvation? There's no proof to suggest what doctrines we should follow more than others.
But Stephen Green, national director of Christian Voice, said: "There is plenty of evidence for God, from people's personal experience, to the complexity, interdependence, beauty and design of the natural world.

"But there is scant evidence on the other side

This guy deserves a prize for the most idiotic logic in the world. Where the fuck does he live, under a rock?
Well that's what the "worrying" is, in all honesty. Most people in fact aren't so sure the way they live their lives is the best way, especially given the diversity of faiths and all the ways in which those denominations dictate morality. How are we supposed to know whether being a bare theist or an orthodox devotee will guarantee salvation? There's no proof to suggest what doctrines we should follow more than others.

Actually I think that people often know what the best choice is in a given situation where morality is concerned. I think that we know what the most moral choice is, but we allow so many other factors into our decision making that we don't always make the most moral choice.

I guess to make a choice between religions one must evaluate them and make a choice. If one believes that there is "more" than what we see, and that one cares, then he must seek out which he feels makes the most sense. Not based on giving him what he wants, but based on which seems to be truth.
I guess to make a choice between religions one must evaluate them and make a choice. If one believes that there is "more" than what we see, and that one cares, then he must seek out which he feels makes the most sense. Not based on giving him what he wants, but based on which seems to be truth.

Therein lies the problem. Some people worry too much about their own salvation, seeking the answers by following another man's path. This campaign is a rebuttal for those who continue in this self defeating way of living.
You are assuming there is no God. If you're wrong, then your wrong. Besides, there are a lot of people of faith that still live very fulfilling lives, and avoid making problems for themselves and others, by the making of correct moral choices.

What is it that you and they think I am missing by living life as a Christian?
You are assuming there is no God. If you're wrong, then your wrong. Besides, there are a lot of people of faith that still live very fulfilling lives, and avoid making problems for themselves and others, by the making of correct moral choices.

What is it that you and they think I am missing by living life as a Christian?

I'm not assuming there is no God, i'm an agnostic and don't really devote myself to resolving any religious matter. The problem I see with this issue is that with religion, you don't have any solid facade to get attached to. Who dictates what's wrong and what's right? who says you're going to be saved by the religion you meticulously chosed? I've come to know people that waste their opportunities by following others and I think, wouldn't they be better off seeking the answers for themselves?
There's probably no god?

That doesn't sound like the words of a tr00 atheist to me. It sounds like something an agnostic would say, on a bad day. You're not an atheist if you're not 100% committed to your belief!
This is actually not true and is a misconception about atheism. You are an atheist if you can't answer the question "do you believe in God" with a yes. It is a question of belief not knowledge.

I wonder who the "stop worrying" is directed at. I think it obviously stems from the misconception of what Christianity is about, seeing it as primarily behavior control through guilt. So are they trying to get Christians to stop believing so they can start enjoying their lives? Or are the appealing to those who are not Christians, but who might be plagued by their consciences about some of their actions? Or maybe it is appealing to non-Christians who are trying to decide if they want to become Christians.
Imagine if you were a gay christian, a christian who has had doubts, a christian who worries about his muslim friend or atheist child, a christian who has sinned in his past, or a plethora of other things. I'm sure there are tons of people like you and Darkryn who are strengthened by the belief in god, but there are many who aren't. I know I personally feel a lot better being an atheist. I do not have to worry that my gay friend is going to burn in hell for eternity. I do not have to worry about my mom going to hell. I do not have to worry about someone watching me and judging my actions. All I have to worry about is leading a successful and enjoyable life and being a good person.
Maybe this misunderstood conclusion on your part has something to do with you rejecting Christianity.

Maybe you claiming that all/most conclusions people make regarding Christianity are "misunderstood" has something to do with you believing a certain kind of Christianity which is needlessly pigeonholed and doesn't apply to all Christians at all.
Imagine if you were a gay christian, a christian who has had doubts, a christian who worries about his muslim friend or atheist child, a christian who has sinned in his past, or a plethora of other things. I'm sure there are tons of people like you and Darkryn who are strengthened by the belief in god, but there are many who aren't. I know I personally feel a lot better being an atheist. I do not have to worry that my gay friend is going to burn in hell for eternity. I do not have to worry about my mom going to hell. I do not have to worry about someone watching me and judging my actions. All I have to worry about is leading a successful and enjoyable life and being a good person.

I believe I am straightened by God, not by my belief in God. Cause I believe he exists...see? I believe "every good and perfect gift comes from God". That is all good. That is the love you and your family share. That is the strength in your mind and muscles. That is the skill with which Glen Benton and Trey Azwhatever create music. What I believe about God and the individual who is submitted to him, is that he can help that person become the person that scripture says he should be. Love your enemies? Forgive those who sin against you? These and other ideas from the Bible do not come naturally.

All people have sinned.

Anyway, you don't think I have concerns about people in general? What about my stoner friends from back in the day or all of you cats who I think are pretty cool? Yeah, I can get into day-to-day life and not think about it much, but I have concerns. I obviously don't know exactly how God will make all of his decisions about every person on Earth, and I don't think the different eternal fates can be fully known. I dislike the idea of hell. But from my reading of the Bible, the future looks bleak for those who reject God.

But what good is "not worrying" if there is real stuff to worry about. I can totally relate to your comfort level with Atheism. If I could make something true by believing it, I would be tempted to be an Atheist. But if you're wrong, then all your lack of worry was the wrong choice.
I'm not assuming there is no God, i'm an agnostic and don't really devote myself to resolving any religious matter. The problem I see with this issue is that with religion, you don't have any solid facade to get attached to. Who dictates what's wrong and what's right? who says you're going to be saved by the religion you meticulously chosed? I've come to know people that waste their opportunities by following others and I think, wouldn't they be better off seeking the answers for themselves?

Truth dictates what is wrong and right. So you think that not making a choice is the wisest way any human can handle a search for truth? I disagree.