
I did get Framework for Christmas, but I listened to a few of the songs prior so not a lot of the songs took me by surprise. One that stood out to me in particular, that I hadn't heard before getting the album was "Hold on to Love," one of the cheesiest song titles I've ever seen aside, I really dig the chorus. Very meloretro!
Work of Art - The Great Fall

I saw the video for that song, which was my first exposure to them. What a grand discovery it was, too! :popcorn:

Are you a fan of AOR in general, or just this band (so far :D)?

Edit: Ah, right. What am I listening to at the moment? Wellsir, Teramaze - The Divulgence Act. This song is apparently not available for digital purchase. Being a CD person, I'm not that bothered but people may miss out on this excellent song. My favourite on the album!

Great album, I'd strongly recommend picking it up! \m/
I saw the video for that song, which was my first exposure to them. What a grand discovery it was, too! :popcorn:

Are you a fan of AOR in general, or just this band (so far :D)?

Edit: Ah, right. What am I listening to at the moment? Wellsir, Teramaze - The Divulgence Act. This song is apparently not available for digital purchase. Being a CD person, I'm not that bothered but people may miss out on this excellent song. My favourite on the album!

Great album, I'd strongly recommend picking it up! m/

I'd say I've probably had a soft spot for AOR and AOR-style stuff for as long as I can remember being interested in any Music. For example I've been a big fan of the Transformers original cartoon movie from the 80's and its soundtrack (especially the two Stan Bush songs) from a young age.

Despite this, I never got really into music until I was about 16 or 17 and when I did, it was mostly Metal for several years. For the last few years, even though I've finding myself want to explore music away from Metal more and more, I've let the majority of my music listening be dictated by what gigs I've been going to.

NP: Toto - Stranger in Town
Some tracks from Blind Guardian - Beyond the Red Mirror and... I'm just not feeling it anymore. I've been desperately trying to find something enjoyable about this new album, and aside from a few hooks here and there, it's just not coming.

A Night at the Opera was their turning point, and I had a lot of mixed feelings about the album. A Twist in the Myth was a fucking abortion that I thankfully don't remember a solitary note of, and At the Edge of Time had only very few moments that I enjoyed.

BG has quite a few credentials that I owe to, since they are the band that hugely helped me to discover the genre of power metal and many prog bands that would follow since I came across them. Specifically songs like "Ashes to Ashes" and "Into the Storm". I still hold Somewhere Far Beyond in high regard as my personal favourite album from them. But since they've went into the orchestral and progressive elements, it's very difficult for me to really get hooked on the songs. :cry:

I might buy the album if I get real wasted, stumble into the music store, and see the digipak (or whatever the hell it's called) version of the album. Even so, I fear it'll be a compulsive purchase--even in said condition--that I don't think I'll get a whole lot of enjoyment out of. :(

I think it's necessary to state that I'm not going to say "Blind Guardian sucks!" or anything like that (Twist notwithstanding), they've just veered off my radar of interest.

Currently listening to Vicinity - Awakening (title track) as of writing this sentence. :D
A Night at the Opera was their turning point, and I had a lot of mixed feelings about the album. A Twist in the Myth was a fucking abortion that I thankfully don't remember a solitary note of, and At the Edge of Time had only very few moments that I enjoyed.

Blimey. I know ATitM was a bit different for BG but for most it still had its moments and I can't get my head around any BG fan of any level finding issue with AtEoT. That album defined my 2010. Beautiful and grandiose album. I'm avoiding any teasers for Red Mirror so I can enjoy my preorder all in one go but this is the first criticism I've come across. Across the PM community all I've heard is "Wow this might be better than Nightfall"!
I didn't opine that At the Edge of Time was a bad album, although I realize that entire post wasn't very well-worded. Nor will I say I'm particularly a "fan" of BG - I jump on the wagon for a while and stumble off of it every now and then. Most of the album eluded me despite countless listening sessions. A few songs were good (A Voice in the Dark, War of the Thrones, and Wheel of Time off the top of my head), while some other songs didn't quite pull me in. :yell:

I've been listening to a few songs from the new album then went ahead and ordered it. I had to be sure, you see.

So anyhoo, that's the last I'll say about this subject before millions of people start chasing me down with flaming pitchforks. :wave:
Blind Guardian - The Ninth Wave

My first listen of the new album. My first thoughts are "The guitars and drums sound weak" and "This is a bit boring".

Edit: I'm on the fifth song and I swear the sound production is sounding quite different (and improved) with each song wtf?
I'm on the fifth song and I swear the sound production is sounding quite different (and improved) with each song wtf?

Yeah that is a little weird. Maybe progressive production is a new sub-genre? :D

I noticed the production on "You're the Voice" from the last album sounded way better than the rest of the songs, much clearer and heavier. Most likely cause it's a cover song, but I would've loved hearing that style used more often.

Edit: Amazon Canada was sold out so I just ordered it from Amazon US instead. That'll teach me to be to hesitant... :bah: