NSGUITAR STEMS! [8505, LeCto, S2.0, SSD, ...]


Feb 12, 2011
Hey guys,

this is my mix of the song, NSGUITAR posted here like four days ago!

I'm pretty pleased with my mix, so I want to see, what you guys think of it!

Rhythm guitars are 8505, lead guitar is LeCto, drums are a mix of Steven Slate Drums and Superior Drummer 2.0. If you have any questions about the mix or whatever, don't be afraid to ask!

If you want to mix this song yourself, HERE ya' go!

Lasse :)

LINK: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21534434/Musik/Sonstiges/Endeavors_2_MP3.mp3
You guessed right, qwe. Here I am! :)

Everything sounds pretty good, although it sounds like the guitars have a lot going on in the low-mids, they sound a little 'air-y'. Maybe if you cleared up some 600-700hz it'd help the bass guitar shine through and bring the low-end meat behind the guitars.
Interesting mix, i like what you've done with the vocals. How'd you get that glitch effect going on in the vocals similar to nsguitars mix? Also the guitars do sound like theres too much gain in the low mids. If you have c4 try andy sneaps settings thats what i did with my mix. Then try to compensate it with the bass guitar. This is mine (fyi i didnt automate the vocals too well i did it pretty quick) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19917325/nsguitars2.mp3
You guessed right, qwe. Here I am! :)

Haha, thanks for keeping the "Rate my mix"-section alive, dude! :)

Maybe if you cleared up some 600-700hz it'd help the bass guitar shine through and bring the low-end meat behind the guitars.

Done. I've cut like 6db around 650hz I think.

How'd you get that glitch effect going on in the vocals similar to nsguitars mix? Also the guitars do sound like theres too much gain in the low mids. If you have c4 try andy sneaps settings thats what i did with my mix.

I already use C4 with the Sneap-settings on them, haha. I just highered the threshhold in the new version!

About the effect: I won't tell you, I'll show you, right HERE! :)
"Vocals 1" and "2" are centered and "Vocals L" and "R" are hardpanned. I also use a pretty long delay as a insert on my vocal group, that could do the trick!

UPDATE: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21534434/Musik/Sonstiges/Endeavors_4_MP3.mp3
