POST-HARDCORE MIX, best bass tone by far!


Feb 12, 2011
Hey guys!

This is my newest work!
I didn't record everything, I just mixed.

In my opinion this is the best bass tone, I've gotten yet and I just wanted to share it with you! :-)

About the mix: No mastering done yet, just a limiter for volume! Just standard stuff for me, SSD, S2.0, 8505, LeCto... If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!

Cheers guys,
Lasse :-)

Link: Your Fate/TYF_2_MP3.mp3
What exactly did you do for the bass? I really like the tone.

The bass consists of three tracks (one track recorded and copied two times):

"Bass Grit" - Just an EQ, filtering out everything under ~350 HZ and boosting everything above for about 8db.

"Bass Lows" - Also just an EQ, filtering out everything over ~350 HZ out. No boosting here.

"Bass Dist" - EQ'd exactly like "Bass Grit", BUT after the EQ, there's TSE BOD, fucking love that thing.

All three tracks are ran into a group, totally smashed into a compressor. After that just a little EQ. That's it.