Nu Metal Band and I used....

I guess so..:lol:

Hey Brian do you ever have a problem with Pod Farm having more noise than like the Pod xt? Just curious as I know you have been using this plugin a lot.

I reamped my tracks and they were very noisy. I took dir with a Countryman Type 85 dir box when tracking, which is a good dir box and I use Mogami cables.
I guess so..:lol:

Hey Brian do you ever have a problem with Pod Farm having more noise than like the Pod xt? Just curious as I know you have been using this plugin a lot.

I reamped my tracks and they were very noisy. I took dir with a Countryman Type 85 dir box when tracking, which is a good dir box and I use Mogami cables.

i use cheap cables, and i've have absolutely no problems haha. Are you using an noise gate at all? I do, which might be why i dont have noise issues. I do record directly into channel 1 of my 003 though, so that eliminates the possibility of a bad DI
I like the tone actually dont hear any of that fizz.... sounds pretty amp like to me! Any chance you can share the preset and screenshots of post processing? Sick tone!


amazing Joshua.i love your last thread song but...this is better.:P
patch and post-processing would be appreciated,
hey, we have the same name! hahaha. i don't think i would consider this "nu metal" though, it's pretty metal in general. anyway, i dug this track, riffs were catchy as hell and the playing was solid. i have never tried reamping myself because i really like the results i get w/ the POD as is, but i do know people have had great success with reamping, hence this track as living proof! great job on getting all the instruments to sit well, and the vocals (very Randy Blythe :notworthy) are produced into the mix nicely. the only thing i would change is a bigger drum sound maybe with a bit heavier compression, that's just personal opinion though...from a guy who compresses all dynamics into pounding nonsense! but really, it's fine as is. overall, top notch job dude!

anywho, after getting a sense of your style of metal, i think you might dig some of my material as well dude, or at least the track i did with vocals anyway. i just started posting on here and am trying to get to know everyone! keep up the great work!
Yea this track is not so nu netal but there other stuff is I swear. I probably should have just not posted that in the title. Anyways thanks for listening guys!