Nuclear Energy

... You don't seem to have much understanding of how science works, the psychology of the average science academic or the relationship between physics academia, engineering and industry.

Call me crazy but isn't the corrupt pharmaceutical industry a perfect example of academia, engineering, and industry gone awry? What makes you think physics is any different than pharmacy?
Environmentalists add that the effects of polluted water will be felt in the next 50 years in most of the local towns and the productive farms due to mining on river catchments and fertile soil.
Call me crazy but isn't the corrupt pharmaceutical industry a perfect example of academia, engineering, and industry gone awry? What makes you think physics is any different than pharmacy?

What does pharma have to do with physics? Physics is a science, pharma is not. So-called "bad pharma" is rather a good example of what happens when the scientific method isn't used. If they actually used the scientific method, they wouldn't sell homeopathy and other alternative-, i.e. pseudo, -'medicine'.

You seem to have quite a wrong understanding of what science actually is. Most likely motivated by all the new-age/spiritual/woo and pseudo-scientific stuff that is out there.

Your first post in this thread was quite hilarious.
It's funny you make this thrad today.. Like last week, our new government announced that they will close the one and only Nuclear Plant we have here in the province of Quebec. It will cost 2 billion to close it, would have cost 3 to renovate it. They say it will take years to cool and then the uranium need to be sunk in pools for 50 years before they can dismantle the site.
Anyway, we are lucky we don't need Nuclear Plants because of hydro-electricity. It's a "clean" energy but we have to do some damage and create new paths for the gigantic amount of water behind the reservoirs. I mean, there's no radiation going on here, but if there would be an attack (say the Russians lol) and a dam would explode, it would be a fucking disaster much worse than any tsunami you've seen. But the principle is so damn simple.


This damn is twice as powerful as the biggest nuclear plant of the word. I don't want it to break.