Nuendo/Cubase/etc Tempo Warping question


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
Ok, assuming in Nuendo, I did a live recording of a band for pre-production so they can have a click track to go off of afterwards...and I plan to warp the tracks so it's all in time to a desired click afterwards, is there a way to do this all at once or do I really have to manually go into each track and do the whole thing one track at a time?

Here's where I learned how to warp, if you are wondering (believe someone posted it here once):

Any idea how to batch this process?
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I usually change the tempo of the song with the time warp tool (a la the last demo in the video), then cut the files on beat markers. Next, I delete the additional tempo events the time warp tool created and stretch the files back to time, snapping to beat markers.
Usually I place hitpoints then transfer it to warp tabs and then align warp tabs.
In that case I got smooth result without artefacts. Don`t like to cut files.
That doesn't make much sense to me (not your method, just that it doesn't seem to answer my question).

I want to be able to warp my mix... starting with the kick drum, then my snare, etc...but after I do this to my kick, I want to be able to do the same exact process, to where my hit points fall exactly as I laid them out before, so it's simplified instead of doing it individually for each track. I did this the other day on a mix and it took me 3 hours to do just my kick and snare before I gave up.

I do not mean mixing down my drums and warping it afterwards, that I can already do. I want to be able to go back and tweak my tracks individually if I have to, while it's time aligned.

More or less, I just want to be able to do it because I'm sure I'm going to record a drummer in the near future who didn't practice as much as he should have and I will have to fix the fuck out of the drum track.
This is a problem - you have to adjust tracks one-by-one. Maybe sometimes steinberg will do further step.
Suggested aproach is to make multichannel file and adjust this, then split bounced result to individual channels...