Number One Son – Lessons


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Number One Son – Lessons
Visible Noise – Torment28CD – 11th August 2003
By Russell Garwood

"Summer 2002. Number One Son contemplate their future in the big scheme of things. There’s been a huge change in attitudes towards rock and what it stands for. Even the ‘regular’ kids are now living a diet of rock and being part of the newest and truest breed."

Perhaps the elitism so transparent in this, the opening sentence of Number One Son’s press release, would not be so galling if the band played something out of the mainstream. But this is not the case, as the group’s music is sugar-coated, pop, nu-metal and emo influenced rock. This said, the band are good at what they do – anthemic vocal lines and shouting over stripped down riffs make for catchy choruses, while non-distorted guitars and more laid back vox help create relaxed verses. The drums are simplistic yet powerful, like the music, while the bass completes a tight rhythm section.

Originality is not forthcoming on "Lessons" and the tracks can feel samey after a time, but the band display accomplished song-writing, and some nice feeling behind their tunes, which sets them slightly above many of their contemporaries. Number One Son will appeal to fans of emo/rock, but may be met with animosity from those expecting a harsher sound.