nut butter in the news

It's like when Seinfeld asks something like "what are these little bags on the airplane for?" and goes into a huge long act about them, when everyone knows the real answer.
Man, that article made me laugh louder than the Dødheimsgard blaring through my speakers!

It's also given me a whole new outlook on credit, I'm givin' that shit a try, yo! I feel like it could add some spice to my life, kinda like when I used to do phone surveys and we'd make up names for ourselves when on a call... "Hello sir, my name is Gaylord and I'm calling on behalf of Opinion Search..."
Yeah I read that a long time ago and have tried several tricks, Darth Vader, Juan Valdez, This Is A False Charge, etc. They just slide right through the system. I still need to try that grid thing he did, that's the best.
Every time I get a sales pitch on the phone I say go right on ahead and start making these slow masturbatory moans and gradually go louder as the pitch concludes and when most of these people ask if 'sir, are you all right?' I hurredly reply 'no yes! fine! go on, please!' and resume the moaning if they do. Just this one guy though, he pitched his mobile phone offer in a level calm voice all the way through, ignoring my vocal climax. That guy had nerves of steel.