please somebody register me quickly

I read that article.

the headline was cooler than the article.

the email account was like nothing but spam, he didn't get anything of importance.

I bet Saddam has a fecal fetish though.
sorry, I've purposely erased most of those movie from my memory for two reasons.

1. my friends quote it inccessantly, to the point of annoyance and severe unfunny-ness.

2. people in yugoslavia always ask me if I know them and hang out at the comic book store with them.
azal said:
sorry, I've purposely erased most of those movie from my memory for two reasons.

1. my friends quote it inccessantly, to the point of annoyance and severe unfunny-ness.

2. people in yugoslavia always ask me if I know them and hang out at the comic book store with them.

1. Never hang out with Byron and I because you'll get an incessant stream of conscience quoting of the following movie in no particular order and it is still funny:

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Naked Gun
National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1
A Christmas Story

2. Dude do you know those guys and/or hang out in their comic book store at all?
I like the earlier Kevin Smith movies, but I hated Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. It wasn't funny to me and I thought the plot was not only stupid, but boring. I liked them as characters in the other movies, but as leading characters they seemed more...well...obnoxious rather than funny I guess. Definitely a major foul-up compared to his other efforts.