Nuts! the t-shirt!


speedy meatmonger
Jun 9, 2002
Gothenburg, Sweden
Visit site
I was finally fixing up a paypal account with money to get it, and just realized that it's not on the site anymore? Will it return, or is there another place to get it?
Which shirt are you looking for in particular? The Nightmares Made Flesh zombie shirts will be back online in the next day or two -- we're getting fresh stock next week. Check back this weekend or early next week!
i wa´n´t the old plain one back!
Black with big red logo.
most badass shirt ever!!!
Jesse, any plans on bringing back the logo from the first 2 original shirts with a new t-shirt design? Any word on the Posters as well?
if anyone made fun of a bloodbath shirt i'd hit them too!

just like in my sig look down!
Aaskereia said:
i'd like the suck my guts... but its not on the page... thats very bad... the breeding death artwork from the new shirt is not really good... i don't like it... i hope the suck my guts shirt will return in the next days...
I'm sure it'll be re-listed soon. If not, there's always eBay:

And yeah, if anyone made fun of a Bloodbath shirt I was wearing I'd see to it that they're hung on a meat hook, eviscerated and barbecued! :heh:
No, I don't want anything re-released, I want the logo design that was used on the red and white logos to be used on a NEW shirt.
i just want a black shirt with a red logo and something cool on the back like a quote or picture