NY Post: IRON MAIDEN Ruffle Feathers At New York Restaurant


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
The following item was published it today's edition of The New York Post:

"Just because heavy metal masters IRON MAIDEN are old and gray doesn't mean they can't create some old-school rock 'n' roll mayhem. The long-maned metallers made headlines last week when drummer Michael 'Nicko' McBrain allegedly got mad at a Jones Beach parking attendant and struck him with his Jaguar. And after their sold-out show with RONNIE JAMES DIO and MOTÖRHEAD at the Garden Wednesday night [July 30], the band ruffled feathers at Terrence Brennan's Seafood and Chop House in the Benjamin Hotel where they were staying. At 4 a.m. yesterday, after many rounds of drinks, they balked at paying their $500 tab unless it was divided into seven separate checks. Once that was done, they tipped only 8 to 10 percent each, says our miffed restaurant source."
I would be interested to know the exact figure between 8-10 percent because that will shape my opinion of Iron Maiden from this moment on as intended by the source.


Did this miffed restaurant source really expect Steve to turn round and say 'right luv because were all wealthy rock stars me and the boys all chipped in and got you a brand new BMW 5 litre 7 series. 'Oh and we also topped up your retirement equity by fifty grand, drinks for everyone it's on me'

Stop shit stirring, I don't know what you aim to achieve by spreading mindless, petty gossip about talented musicians, it's just sad that people actually care about such unimportant issues.
He's not fucking spreading this, he's just pionting out what was said in the NY Post, he probably has the same opinion about the storey and is pionting out how much bullshit it is... so don't shoot the messager mmmmmkay..
Thats a second, but silentRealms old one is way better (That was a joke, just to clarify:))
thats a third on Jax's avi (very sexy).. and u like ma old one hey shreddi. maybe i will stick it back up if its liked more than this one.

And for the story, last weeks one of hittin the dude with his car was horrible.. this one is just lame and whoever wrote the article, not to mention the restaurant, i think are just being shitheads capitalizing on the last story.

8-10% on a $500 bill is like $40-$50 .. I dont know how much is standard for tipping in the states, but here in Aus, our waiters dont get tipped at all..and are only working for like $8 an hour..

And whats wrong with splitting the bill? when i go out i dont want to be paying for someone else. I remember an incident when I went to a lunch thing with a group of people i didnt even know, and they all had steak and I only has a salad.. and they expected me to pay exactly the same amount as them..stuff that, I'm not payin for steak I didnt eat. Restaurants know that people often like to split bills.. Iron Maiden arent the only people in the world that ever have done it.
maybe that's why Maiden offered such a meager tip... because the restaurant hassled them about splitting the bill

or maybe the service and/or food was just plain bad!
SilentRealm said:
thats a third on Jax's avi (very sexy).. and u like ma old one hey shreddi. maybe i will stick it back up if its liked more than this one.

Well I like this current Avatar a lot because your hair is down, and besides I think Mr. Shred just liked seeing cleavage ;)

I think you should stay with this one.
It's customary for large groups in restuarants to have a 15-18% gratuity automatically added to the bill, just because the wait staff does so much work dealing with a large group..that basically ensures that they'll be compensated for it..so perhaps breaking up the bill denied them that automatic tip, & then for the band people to only tip 8-10% to boot (which is beyond lame..15% is the minimum that I tip unless the service was truly horrendous, usually it's around 20%) was just screwed up. Given that most waiters make less than $3 an hour & rely on tips to make up the difference, I'd be pissed too if I busted ass to serve a big table of people & got jack shit in return.

Just my $.02, of course.