O/D Saxon Alert!!


You're my wife now!!
Oct 31, 2002
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From www.totalrock.com

Saxon On The Hunt' -- Saxon and Wishbone Ash are to play the Celtic Warriors Bike Fest in Huntingdon o April 16. Also on the bill is a band featuring former Gillan members Bernie Torme (guitar/vocals) and John McCoy (bass), plus ex-Rachel Stamp drummer Robin Guy.
Posted by MalcolmDome on Thursday, April 14 2005

Vince, I'm assuming this is the O/D lot trying to pass themselves off as the genuine article again. Might be worth contacting Malcolm Dome to clarify.
DirtySanchez (or should I say Papa Lazarou!?) - thanks for the info.

I have no problems with Graham and Steve - I think they are great musicians and song writers - but this may need to be clarified. A little investigation is required, I think.
But, if you recall, this matter was settled in Court so, ultimately, it would be up to Saxon's legal advisers to take appropriate action if the Band's name was being used on false grounds.

Let's not start throwing insults until we do some research on this matter, ok?

Vince may be able to confirm a few details of Biff's schedule, but a little investigating by us forum guys & gals will probably suffice and provide an answer!
The Bikers Festival has advertised it correctly, ie 'OLIVER/DAWSON SAXON', all in the same size, as the court ruling stated. It is the tossers at PlanetRock who have advertised it wrongly, and they should know better. It is just lazy and incompetent journalism. No wonder they have lost their radio station and only have an online station now.
Glad you spotted my deliberate mistake DirtySanchez! :lol:

Yes of course I meant Totalrock and not Planetrock. Not that the people at Planetrock aren't tossers also! Is there some reason why they play the same songs from the same bands all the time? Anyway, that is another thread!
Thanks for the info, guys! It sounds like a certain Website needs to be contacted by O/D Saxon's management before accusations and such are made!!

Regarding this very funny subject of Planetrock, Totalrock etc. It sounds like a new thread needs to be started so I can get to know a little bit more!!!
Thanks, Mr Onion. You can be sure we'll all stay clear of that one!!!

Oh dear, it seems that www.loudpromotions.co.uk have got the word SAXON in large writing and O/D in little pissy small writing. Now what was the wording of the high court judgement.... ?

"provided that the word "Saxon" is accompanied by the words "Oliver/Dawson" and the size of the word "Saxon" will not exceed the size of the words "Oliver/Dawson" and will not be more prominent than the words "Oliver/Dawson"

I'll if that website is prepared to change the size of text on that page.
Well, the response from Alison at loud promotions was ( and I am pasting the reply in exactly as given ) so here it is without capital letters and punctuation....

i do appologise and it will be sorted out straight away

Hmmm.... we'll see.
Exactly, Matrattz, My Good Man - Hmmm....

Loads of effort put into that response, eh?

Anyhow, at least you've brought it to their attention.

If nothing is done with the next few days, then legal action is a possibility (as they have aknowledged there mistake, they are now breaking the Court ruling with intent)

As you've let the official Saxon site know about this, it is really all down to them to take further action if they feel it necessary.
If they haven't sorted it out by the end of the weekend, Matrattz, I'd send an email to Vince.
Accessing this from my hotel in madrid... ;-)

All that site has done is Enlarge the O/D font to the same size as SAXON, not changed the O/D saxon logo on the main page which displays SAXON in larger type, and also not stopped referring to O/D as Saxon.

As far as I'm concerned www.loudpromotions.co.uk are cupid stunts.

Is it still pissing it down in England?
Thanks for your assessment, Matrattz. Hope you are enjoying your break!
Maybe 'Loudmouth' need to be reminded of Copyright Law and the repercussions that relate to breaching Copyright Policy.
I've a few days off after the Bank Holiday (It's my Birthday!) so I'm going to put a little time and effort into seeing what is going on. Rest assured, 'Loudmouth' will be contacted by May 3rd!