O/T: All I want for X-Mas is a Browns playoff appearance

Originally posted by SlaughterofSoul
Goddammit, TD! Why couldn't The Browns win! I HATE THE FUCKING STEELERS! I just hope Philly and the Steelers lose next week. :heh:

The Steelers shouldn't have won. They know they got by with a shitty win. Tommy "Arena League" Maddox threw two passes to Browns players that were dropped, and there were some "questionable" calls at the end. But at any rate, we lost. I don't see the Steelers going much farther though. They are not in the same league with the rest of teams in the playoffs, and the only way they are getting another home game is if they win and the Jets win, and if the Jets are able to beat Oakland then they will destroy Pittsburgh. Some of my best friends are Steelers fan (Pittsburgh isn't very much farther from me than Cleveland) and even they said "we were damned lucky today."
The Browns far exceeded what most of the "experts" said they would do anyway. We shouldn't lose any real good free agents. Our receiving corps is top notch. A good blocking fullback would be nice. A third QB who will help mentor Couch and will be there if he or Holcomb should fall would be nice (Peete, Chandler, Beurlien, Testaverde etc.) I think our defense is at about a B+ range, another year of experience and perhaps a couple of bad ass free agent pick -ups and we can have the best defense in the division. Butch Davis and Carmen Policy are building a heck of a franchise, we should be peaking within the next two years.
They shouldn't have been rushing just three people during the fourth quarter. That was a bad move. Maddox doesn't have much escapability and the worst thing you can do is give him time to sit in the pocket. That's a huge pet-peeve of mine.

Look out what the defense did throughout the year, particularly when the Browns lethargic offense made the defense stay out on the field more than the other defense. Every Browns game was close because the defense played well enough to keep them in. That is how I gave them a B+. Also, they were probably hovering around a B-/C+ w/ me until I saw them shut Vick and the Falcons down.
The Browns should have beat my team at the beginning of the season, but of course someone threw there helmet off. And had they won the game, they'd be in with no question. But if the Chiefs had a defense, they would have went all the way. They had the offense, but their defense was HORRIBLE. Hopefully it get revamped in time for next season. If so, watch out AFC.