O/t Avp

Bass Fellow

Feb 7, 2002
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At best a happy medium. The director's "strategy" to use a no name cast, delaying the action to develop plot and attatchment backfired to say the least. And if your looking for any realism in a mitosis or genetic sort of way forget it. However, the creatures really have some pretty awesome action sequences. And if any of the other ones have a little place in your heart this does at least kindle the fire. But, alas, don't pay full price unless your in the dating scene or can have a kick ass time at the drive-in where The Bourne Supremacy played the earlier feature.:Spin:

It stinks
Okay, first, you can't go into that movie thinking it would be a top notch action movie. When I mean top notch, talking Gladiator, Troy. This was a movie you go and just soak in. And it accomplished that very well. I thought the build up was great. You were left with clues to the other Alien movies.
The action to me was good. Things kept you guessing some. The no names were fine to me. I really liked the movie. This was much better than Alien Resurrection. They should have done this awhile ago. The special effects were great. You knew they were effects, but, it didn't look like it.
I plan to watch it again and get it on DVD. I'm a huge Alien series fan. Love those movies.
My review was a general one. I'm a huge Alien fan and will "buy" the DVD. On an off note, while tuning in at the drive-in I won Saliva's new CD off the radio. I've only listened to 3-4 songs and I'm thinking better than Bon Jovi but not really my can of beans. But I still haven't given it a fair shake yet. Wouldn't be prudent! On another off note, did anyone see Taking Lives yet? What did ya think?