o/t Beat Down


Feb 7, 2002
DC area
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I came home from a night of hanging out and boozing and as I pulled up to my driveway, I noticed someone standing next to my brother's car. As soon as I realized that it wasn't him, I asked who it was. No reply. As I approached, he took off running and I chased him down but he was too fast. That's when I realized that he keyed the hell out of my brother's car. So I ran back to my house to get my brothers and we ensued in a manhunt. My kid brother found him hiding in the woods, nailed him, then dragged him out to us where we proceeded in a good ole fashioned bludgeoning.
no way!?
who was he and why was he keying the car?
what was he saying?
did you leave him there lying unconscious...?
wild, man...
We went to high school with this dude. He keyed my brother's car because mine wasn't there so he figured he'd piss me off by keying my brother's car instead. Little did he know that he'd be caught in the act. The cops showed up and arrested him. They didn't do anything to us but advised us not to press charges against him for keying the car because he could in return charge us for breaking his rib. I guess they advised him to not press charges against us. Like an even trade off. The cops actually got a kick out of it because it's so rare to catch someone in the act of vandalizing a car with no alarm. They laughed at him when they asked him what happened. And they were rude and yelled at him. They were cordial and polite to us. He came the next day to get his car. Funny because, he had parked on the yellow curb meant for fire trucks near the hydrants. We had his car towed and it has expired tags. Which means, he has to pay money to renew the tags to get his car which is $115 to get out and accruing $25 a day. On top of if all, there's dope in the car probably and we told the tow truck company and they're gonna have a cop come out and search it. The dude that did this picked the wrong night to do it. Also, when he came to my neighborhood to get his car (which had been towed of course) my brother saw him limping and holding his ribs and both of his eyes are black and his whole face is bruised up.
I forgot to mention. Me and my brother are regulars at this local bar and the dude stops by from time to time. And we also work at another one downtown. In the middle of the beat down, we told him that we now own these bars and not to ever show up again. He's basically lost his priveleges to the best watering holes in town because all the bartenders are on my and my brother's side on this one. This one bartender is praying the dude shows up so he can jump over the bar and get a few licks of his own.
what he even parked his car outside your house so he could get a quick getaway after keying your bro's car? what a fool.
why did he even do this in the first place?
stupid people are everywhere...
what age is he, btw?
This story has the happiest ending ever.
I wish I caught the person who keyed my car.
I'd key their face, down to the bare skull.:)