O/T: Brett Favre last night


Never been a "cheese head" and in fact there was a time when I got sick of hearing Favres name EVERYWHERE, but last night, he sealed it for me. To come out and play the way he did, the day after his father died- in a word amazing. Favre is definitely up there with Young, Aikman, Marino, Montana and all of those guys. I just wanted to post something about it because I know a lot of football fans are on this board.
Favre was awesome. I've always liked Favre. He was my fantasy football quarterback this week and well, he's above awesome now. He kicked ass. All the players have tons of respect for him. Even defensive lineman do. After Barry Sanders retired, Favre became my favorite player.
I agree with you. I have never been a Packer or Favre fan, but watching him last night, just a day after the death of his father... I now have to say that he is among the all-time greats. The stats he has put up, the way he can play through just about any injury, the ability to carry a team to a win on sheer force of will. I have a newfound respect for him.

Not a Fudgepacker fan but Favre was amazing last night. I was fucked up in the head for three days last week after almost being fired, and he goes out and plays a hell of a game one day after his father died.

Plus, it's always nice to see the Roiders get stomped. :kickass:

The guy I was playing against this week in my fantasy league had Favre. He was already beating me without Favre, but that was the thick icing on the cake. I'm a 49ers fan, I respect Favre as a player, but hate what he has done to the niners in the past. He is one of the greatest to ever throw the ball though.

Anyone else play fantasy football?
I needed Favre and Green's points to get me my win. I was losing by 14 going into that game. He had Walker on his team. Favre alone got me the win, Green just added to my point total.