O/T: Dirty bomb threat @ NFL games?


35 and counting...
May 2, 2005
Gurnee, IL
Got this snippet of a news story off the Associated Press / Drudge Report:

A website is claiming that seven NFL football stadiums will be hit with radiological dirty bombs this weekend, but the government on Wednesday expressed doubts about the threat.

The warningt, posted Oct. 12, was part of an ongoing Internet conversation titled "New Attack on America Be Afraid." It mentioned NFL stadiums in New York, Miami, Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, Oakland and Cleveland, where games are scheduled to be held this weekend.

So, Thraxx... if this is true, then it looks like the Raiders won't lose any more games this year! :lol:

Sorry, I couldn't resist...:Saint:
Sorry, I don't remember the source I got this from...

The FBI interviewed a Milwaukee resident Thursday who officials believe was involved in posting Internet threats about dirty bomb attacks on NFL football stadiums this weekend. The threats appeared to be phony.

MyHatred, is that you? :lol: :lol: :lol:
thraxx said:
I did hear that Art Shell started the rumor!

Yeah It started when he came out of a stall in the locker room and said," Ok, now nobody go in there for 30... 45 minutes, and somebody open a window."
TacoBellJunkie said:
Yeah It started when he came out of a stall in the locker room and said," Ok, now nobody go in there for 30... 45 minutes, and somebody open a window."

Dude, if that was the case, the FBI would be investigating me every day. Might as well pull out the Hide-A-Bed for 'em now. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Okay, T.M.I., I know...