O/T: Eddie Vedder's Denver Act Poll


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I just wonder, what do you think of what happened at Pearl Jam show in Denver? In case you don't know, Eddie Vedder has some kind of a mask with George W.Bush's face, throwing it on the ground, stomping on it and giving some antiBush speech. There were probably hundreds of people, who left the show disgusted. That's what I've heard.
i think some people should leave the politics up to the politicians,if eddie aint happy how ameica is run get the fuck outta there,good to see the people leaving the shows he might shut the fuck up now

same goes for serj and tom morello,while they have earnt and worked hard to become successful,living in america enabled them to do that,its so easy for them to criticise ameicas policies but if they dont like it they should really protest by going and living in iraq for a few months!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, Vedder should check the polls.
Last I heard, 89% of America is supporting the war.
Secondly, he should watch Fox News or CNN and see how many Iraqis are supporting the troops and George W Bush.

I think that America has more war supporters in Iraq than war protesters in America.
There is only one rocker that knows how to operate in the political arena thats Bono from U2. He tries to work with the politicans to help his causes, not just do stupid shit like Vedder or call him name like the lead singer from the mighty mighty bosstones did at the last concert I saw.
i saw a poll on australian tv this morning,89 percent support it now!

did anyone see those fuckwits from greenpeace halting an australian ship from going to the gulf,their loved ones just saw them off and they have to see those fuckwits try an ruin there voyage!

they actually tried to stop the propellas from working which is actually sabotage and carries a maximum term of 15 years in jail..gees id like to see them locked up.
Yeah they are a bunch of wankers Mr Thrax.

I actually saw Pearl Jam last month and commented to my wife that the Veddar - Bush slagging thing was over the top and almost offensive to me. We pay our money to see a cool band perform cool music, not listen to Eddie's opinions on war and politics.

I fucking hate it when someone like Eddie, who I have always admired in the past as an artist, use their stardom to push their opinions on to other people.
1st ammendment. Quit whining. If you didn't pay $$$ to go to the show, you have no bitch. I call it "fake outrage" just something for people with no lives to bitch about. Last weak it was Natalie Maines from the Dixie Chicks, this week it's Eddie Vedder.
TD said:
1st ammendment. Quit whining. If you didn't pay $$$ to go to the show, you have no bitch. I call it "fake outrage" just something for people with no lives to bitch about. Last weak it was Natalie Maines from the Dixie Chicks, this week it's Eddie Vedder.

So he gets his free speech to say what he wants but we don't get ours to discuss what he said?

Sorry, it goes both ways.
TD said:
1st ammendment. Quit whining. If you didn't pay $$$ to go to the show, you have no bitch. I call it "fake outrage" just something for people with no lives to bitch about. Last weak it was Natalie Maines from the Dixie Chicks, this week it's Eddie Vedder.

Ty, I don't recall anyone trying to censor Mr. Vedder. Everytime someone gets criticized for sounding like an idiot, people shout "first amendment" as though the first amendment protects people from criticism. It doesn't, and people should expect to get called out on stuff like this.
Yeah you can bitch all you want, but what is the point. Let me ask you - do you think Alice Coopers a good American? Well, he used to have a guy come out dressed like Nixon come out on stage and he would fuck him Nixon all up - during the Vietnam War. Is that UnAmerican too??? Or is it funny entertainment?? I 'll take the latter, but according to your argument, Alice is a scumbag anti-American.
jdelpi said:
Ty, I don't recall anyone trying to censor Mr. Vedder. Everytime someone gets criticized for sounding like an idiot, people shout "first amendment" as though the first amendment protects people from criticism. It doesn't, and people should expect to get called out on stuff like this.

I didn't say anyone tried to literally censor him - i said quite whining and GET A FUCKING LIFE AWAY FROM YOUR COMPUTER. Which is what I'm doing now because you twits annoy the fuck out of me.
TD said:
I didn't say anyone tried to literally censor him - i said quite whining and GET A FUCKING LIFE AWAY FROM YOUR COMPUTER. Which is what I'm doing now because you twits annoy the fuck out of me.

There, there, now. Relax. Find a happy place.
Think about Cancun again.....:)
Oh I'm relaxed, my thing is, no one got my point. I'm not on a first ammendment mission (and Justin, you yell 2nd ammendment everytime someone mentions gun control, so don't you even dare get on me for mentioning the 1st ammendment when you swear by old fashioned gun laws). My point was, you are only criticizing Vedder because it is the band wagon thing to do right now. I gave an example of Alice doing the same thing 30 years ago. Aaaah, but it is no big deal to ya'll. A) cause you don't know your history so you weren't aware that a "rock and metal icon" like Alice did the same thing and b) since it happened so long ago it doesn't matter to you. Another thing I'm getting sick of is all this patriotic internet shit. It's an empty gesture to be pro-war on your computer in your air conditioned living room, do something positive for the country: teach a kid to read, build a house for habitat for humanity. And my third point, get off Vedders jock just because everyone else. I heard an interview with Scott from the Euro tour, and he called Bush a "moron" why don't you jump on his case??????
No, I think Scott called Bush an idiot. But Scott didn't act like a stupid, immature asshole about it.
Eddie Vedder is a fucking cockgrabber. I say so of my own free will, not because I want to be like everyone else.

Oh, btw, Ty- I need your e-mail address for the street team. You can PM it to me or whatever...
TD said:
Oh I'm relaxed, my thing is, no one got my point. I'm not on a first ammendment mission (and Justin, you yell 2nd ammendment everytime someone mentions gun control, so don't you even dare get on me for mentioning the 1st ammendment when you swear by old fashioned gun laws).

Responding with the 2nd amendment is a valid response to an argument for gun control just like responding to an argument for censorship with the first amendment or the quartering of troops in times of peace with the third amendment or the PATRIOT Act with the fourth amendment. Censorship wasn't the issue though.
i think bush rules,peace thru war thru peace and war,i just look at the updates today and see a country liberated,anyone is free to say what they like but if bush didnt put the pressure on,the un wouldnt have done shit saddam would still be slaughtering millions of iraqis for years to come!!!

just a pity his father didnt do a proper job the first time!
mrthrax said:
i saw a poll on australian tv this morning,89 percent support it now!

did anyone see those fuckwits from greenpeace halting an australian ship from going to the gulf,their loved ones just saw them off and they have to see those fuckwits try an ruin there voyage!

they actually tried to stop the propellas from working which is actually sabotage and carries a maximum term of 15 years in jail..gees id like to see them locked up.
Would this be construed as being an attack on that boat? Thus they could fire upon that boat blocking them and messing with the propellor? Those people are dumb if they do stuff like that. I liked during Armageddon where the Greenpeace boat is protesting the oil drilling, so Bruce Willis hits golf balls at them. Then says, "don't they realize their boat wastes (whatever amount) of oil?"