O/T: Favorite Tom Araya quotes

Awww. Thanks jdelpi without an "h".:blush:
jpike, if it makes you feel any better, you can call me 'stupid' because I'm not a Panther's fan.
C'mon. I know you want to. And I know it'll make you feel more like the cool guy you are.
Oh wait, jpike- call me a fag. That might make you even cooler. Go for it, dude.

He says "fuck it up" not "fucking aahhhhhh!!!" dumb ass.
man you ruined my slayer moment. it's still kinda funny though "fuck it up" that's almost as retarded.
well then i'll have to go with my other favorite quote
"this one goes out to that super cool panthers fan from the anthrax message board, jagpike. it's called forrrrre - skinnnnnn - maaasssskkkkkk !!!!!!!
karrokid said:
man you ruined my slayer moment. it's still kinda funny though "fuck it up" that's almost as retarded.
well then i'll have to go with my other favorite quote
"this one goes out to that super cool panthers fan from the anthrax message board, jagpike. it's called forrrrre - skinnnnnn - maaasssskkkkkk !!!!!!!
:tickled: :worship:
this is ridiculous! i mean its like this forum is run by jr. high kids or something and i love it how everyone just gangs up on one person for saying something so meaningless. i mean read karrokids reply above, how inmature can we get.

You make it sound like becouse i said "dumbass" its like a terrorist threat or something. You kids take this WAY to seriously! Fucking get out of the house or something get laid.
jpike said:
this is ridiculous! i mean its like this forum is run by jr. high kids or something and i love it how everyone just gangs up on one person for saying something so meaningless. i mean read karrokids reply above, how inmature can we get.

You make it sound like becouse i said "dumbass" its like a terrorist threat or something. You kids take this WAY to seriously! Fucking get out of the house or something get laid.
How old are you? Why is everyone who disagrees with you a kid? The way you use that term implies your more grown up?
jpike said:
this is ridiculous! i mean its like this forum is run by jr. high kids or something and i love it how everyone just gangs up on one person for saying something so meaningless. i mean read karrokids reply above, how inmature can we get.

You make it sound like becouse i said "dumbass" its like a terrorist threat or something. You kids take this WAY to seriously! Fucking get out of the house or something get laid.

If it's run by junior high kids, then what does that make you? An older man who likes to hang around junior high kids?
this is ridiculous! i mean its like this forum is run by jr. high kids or something and i love it how everyone just gangs up on one person for saying something so meaningless. i mean read karrokids reply above, how inmature can we get.

You make it sound like becouse i said "dumbass" its like a terrorist threat or something. You kids take this WAY to seriously! Fucking get out of the house or something get laid.

dude mellow out, i come from a family of tough love, we bust each others balls all day long. i'm just fucking with you. it would take a lot more than anything you could say to hurt my feelings. big deal i misquoted a lyric. i have that thing on viynl and havn't listened to it in 10 years probley.
karrokid said:
i have that thing on viynl and havn't listened to it in 10 years probley.
You spelled probably wrong, dumbass! :lol:
Now I'm a cool guy too!:hotjump:

Later dudes, gotta get back to my Junior High typing class.
karrokid said:
dude mellow out, i come from a family of tough love, we bust each others balls all day long. i'm just fucking with you. it would take a lot more than anything you could say to hurt my feelings. big deal i misquoted a lyric. i have that thing on viynl and havn't listened to it in 10 years probley.
No problem dude i even put a laughing face next to dumbass becouse i was being sarcastic but SOME PEOPLE did not understand i guess.:rock: