O/T: Geoff Tate


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
First Soil and Hed PE now my band is opening for Geoff Tate of Queensryche on Tuesday! I'm excited I've never heard his solo stuff but Mindcrime is still my favorite album of all-time. I hope he's nice and at least compliments my band even if he's lying lol. I'll let you all know how it goes!
he has morphed into a very creepy looking dude the last few years.

@Sufferer WOW!!! Dude that is awesome. I am a massive Queensryche fan (shame about the falling out between Tate and co mind you). Good luck and I hope this opens big doors for you and your band.
Sooo...did you tell the Soil guys I said hi? :p
Ha that's so funny because our merch table was set up right next to Soil's and Ryan was there taking pictures with a bunch of fans. He was standing two feet away from me for a half an hour and after the fans were gone I didn't say a damn word to him lol. I'm weird like that I was nervous as hell every time I've met Anthrax too. I actually thought about you guys and I should have said something but didn't, I'm such a bitch. Tonight I'm going to make a conscious effort to talk to Geoff unless he stays on the bus the whole time like Hed PE did.:tickled:
Well total disaster, Geoff shook my hand after soundcheck and was very nice, he started to ask me about my band but my guitarist interrupted so I couldn't talk to him. After our performance I smashed all my equipment outside and told Geoff's crew they could have my $1000 Ampeg cabinet, went home I'm done. Oh well I didn't get to see Geoff's performance but no more band headaches for me, time to retire. END OF THREAD PLEASE.
Well total disaster, Geoff shook my hand after soundcheck and was very nice, he started to ask me about my band but my guitarist interrupted so I couldn't talk to him. After our performance I smashed all my equipment outside and told Geoff's crew they could have my $1000 Ampeg cabinet, went home I'm done. Oh well I didn't get to see Geoff's performance but no more band headaches for me, time to retire. END OF THREAD PLEASE.

This is satire right?
Well total disaster, Geoff shook my hand after soundcheck and was very nice, he started to ask me about my band but my guitarist interrupted so I couldn't talk to him. After our performance I smashed all my equipment outside and told Geoff's crew they could have my $1000 Ampeg cabinet, went home I'm done. Oh well I didn't get to see Geoff's performance but no more band headaches for me, time to retire. END OF THREAD PLEASE.

Monty Python...cant be real..
Well total disaster, Geoff shook my hand after soundcheck and was very nice, he started to ask me about my band but my guitarist interrupted so I couldn't talk to him. After our performance I smashed all my equipment outside and told Geoff's crew they could have my $1000 Ampeg cabinet, went home I'm done. Oh well I didn't get to see Geoff's performance but no more band headaches for me, time to retire. END OF THREAD PLEASE.

What happened man?
OK here's what happened...

Just an overall bad experience, this is why I don't get my hopes up for anything in life anymore. It started on the way there when my rack smashed out the dash of my mustang while braking on the drive there. My 2001 Stage 2 limited edition Roush Mustang that is (yeah the one with the side exhaust, google image it). Super mad then downtown Orlando is all one-way streets and fucking chaos and I can't find the club and when I do I have to lug my shit 2 blocks with no help of course, no one helps the bass player, all the while hoping I don't get towed because they fuck everyone who parks downtown. Then Geoff's band soundchecked and left all their gear on stage for us to play around :mad: Things got better when Geoff came up and shook our hands and asked about our band which was very nice of him, I tried to talk to him but got interrupted by rasta man who learned who he was last week and I a Queensryche fan since age 14 couldn't get a fucking word in. Thanks. Stage was so small I was pinned in a corner and couldn't move, rasta's decision to put me there even though that's not where I go on stage ever, but his ego would never allow himself to go there. Not a big deal to most but I go fucking nuts on stage, I'm basically Scott except with a bass. Not basically, EXACTLY. Everyone else in the band got to move and have fun except me and I lost it. Launched my bass 30 feet across the club sending people scrambling and stormed out after our set. Left my Ampeg cab outside Geoff's trailer and told his crew they can keep it and did a burn out on the street with the stang and went home. Haven't talked to my band since.

Thanks for asking though guys I know you all wanted it to go well for me I appreciate it! I'm getting too old for this anyway, I'd rather shoot the shit about bands with you guys than play in one anymore.
OK here's what happened...

Just an overall bad experience, this is why I don't get my hopes up for anything in life anymore. It started on the way there when my rack smashed out the dash of my mustang while braking on the drive there. My 2001 Stage 2 limited edition Roush Mustang that is (yeah the one with the side exhaust, google image it). Super mad then downtown Orlando is all one-way streets and fucking chaos and I can't find the club and when I do I have to lug my shit 2 blocks with no help of course, no one helps the bass player, all the while hoping I don't get towed because they fuck everyone who parks downtown. Then Geoff's band soundchecked and left all their gear on stage for us to play around :mad: Things got better when Geoff came up and shook our hands and asked about our band which was very nice of him, I tried to talk to him but got interrupted by rasta man who learned who he was last week and I a Queensryche fan since age 14 couldn't get a fucking word in. Thanks. Stage was so small I was pinned in a corner and couldn't move, rasta's decision to put me there even though that's not where I go on stage ever, but his ego would never allow himself to go there. Not a big deal to most but I go fucking nuts on stage, I'm basically Scott except with a bass. Not basically, EXACTLY. Everyone else in the band got to move and have fun except me and I lost it. Launched my bass 30 feet across the club sending people scrambling and stormed out after our set. Left my Ampeg cab outside Geoff's trailer and told his crew they can keep it and did a burn out on the street with the stang and went home. Haven't talked to my band since.

Thanks for asking though guys I know you all wanted it to go well for me I appreciate it! I'm getting too old for this anyway, I'd rather shoot the shit about bands with you guys than play in one anymore.

Aw that sucks man but the highlighted part was funny shit.

To better days! :kickass:
Sorry you had a bad experience, but hopefully you won't let this discourage you from trying with another band down the road. You're never too old to do what you love. Even if it's just something you do in a garage band or something,don't let someone else's stupidity and arrogance kill your passion for music.

Either way, at least you have the balls to try. I never did. Of course I have no talent so...:D