O/T Johnnie finally saw it!

anthraxfan442 said:
I actually loved Load. I thought it was a great album, and The Outlaw Torn is an awesome song.

But, to each his own.

Exactly. Why not take it for what it is? I think there are some awesome grooves there. I also love Ronnie, Cure, Poor Twisted Me. Back to the movie, I do think Hetfield comes off as really not enjoying it anymore; sometimes I think he should just go solo, then the pressure of being in Metallica would be off and he could do whatever the fuck he wants. He obviously loves the rockabilly/outlaw type thing. To me, that music is totally Hetfield. I'll revise my statement about Newsted: he came off as bitter and fed up, and we all know that's more than justified.
Drokk said:
After the shit he's said online I have completely lost respect for the guy.

Unfortunately, me too...kind of...

I like Load and Reload too, but St.Anger is something I can´t really get past.