O/T: Keep it In the Family Mentality in Toldeo,OH

OK, this story just broke, and details are still sketchy.

On today, the 10th Anniversary of the Million Man March in DC, they had the Millions More March. Of course, there had to be a counter-protest. Only this time, it was in Toledo, OH. The rally was of Neo-Nazi's in the tratditonally-Polish city of Toldeo, to protest the presence of black gangs. This has been in the planning stages for weeks, and was to happen today. A Fundraised for Flood Victims had to be cancelled for it.

But the march never happened.

According to news reports I have read and heard, organizers of the march had to be escorted by the police out of Toledo before the march even started. The reason? Apperantly, there were a lot of protestors angry about this. And I do mean A LOT! After they were escorted out, a lot of rioting broke out by the perdominatly-black protestors (Just a fraction of who were pissed; Skin-heads did not approve of the Nazi's as well), and resulted in the looting of a store, and the apperance of Mob Rule in neighborhoods of Toledo that had nothing to do with the march. Windows were being broken, gangs were walking the street.

The footage has been shocking and disturbing, and it sickens me! If your against something, you yell and protest. If you get what you want, you relish in the fact you won and call it day. But this? This only hurts. Rioting, looting, instilling fear? These are the very same thing's the enemy that are Neo-Nazi's do to promote their form of hatred. And now the protestors are just as bad, if not worst for looking like hypocrites.


This entire situation reminds me of a song:

Don't even try to tell me what you think is right
When to you blacks are my pals, and jews are kikes
And you expect to be taken seriously
But your actions, they're more than curiously.
Juvenile, you emulate what you hate
And you don't even know why you feel this way
'Cause daddy hated this, and mommy hated that
And your own ability to reason's like a tire gone flat
I try to understand what the hell is going on
I can't imagine how things ever got so far gone
You separatists, say you want your own state
I'll give them a state, a state of unconsciousness
Retribution, no solution, constitution
Discrimination, through the nation, raining hatred
I yell, when there's schism you must rebel
I yell, so you'll hear
I yell, i refuse to live in your hell
I am what you fear
I'm the truth, i don't keep it in the family
Live your life, take someone else
Keep it in the family
The real world's outside your door
You can't keep it in the family
You've got the longest way to fall
When you keep it in the, when you keep it in the
When you keep it in the family
When you keep it in the, when you keep it in the
When you keep it in the family
Acting out of pure cold hatred
'Cause of what another's race is
Color of another's face is
Different, and your own frustrations
Taking on a violent nature
Full of hate, so full of hate
You'd kill a man is that your fate
Your street becomes a police state
Why the hell do you hate?!
Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Hate, hate!!!
I'm not gonna stand for it
Someone's gonna pay for it
I yell, we rebel
jdelpi said:
Remember how we'd piss off Ty by calling it that? Yeah, that was cool.
That's exactly what I was thinking as I typed it! I'll never refer to "The Blues Brothers Intro" as "I just can't Turn you loose" or whatever...