O/T Manning to Law and McNabb to Manning connection

I loved it. I'm a Cowboys fan, so I was pulling for Whoever Was Playing The Eagles. As for Payton, I'm willing to bet he really hates the University of Michigan. First, he whines when he loses the Heisman to Charles Woodson (and his fat-ass coach throws a hissy-fit and DOES NOT vote Michigan anywhere close to number one, even though they were undefeated) then Ty Law, another Wolverine cornerback, picks him three times in the AFC Championship game. Plus, Tom Brady (Wolverine) is the winning quarterback and Peytey-poo doesn't get to go to the Super Bow unless he buys a ticket.

I'm happy. I don't care for certain people in the Manning family. Because Peyton lost in 1997, his dad, Archie, told the University of Mississipi (where his brother plays and SHOULD have won the Heisman) that they would not allow the school to hype Eli for the trophy this year because of how disappointed the family was in 1997. They didn't want to put him through that if he didn't win. What a whiney little bitch. Maybe they should have had him stop playing football altogether, because he will not win everything. I actually like Eli, don't care for Peyton or Archie. I think Eli actually would have won the Heisman if the school had been allowed to promote him. He was the clear frontrunner coming into the season.

By the way, I'm pulling for the Patriots over the Panthers due to the Wolverines on the team.

SCott308 said:
By the way, I'm pulling for the Patriots over the Panthers due to the Wolverines on the team.
There are also some good PAC 10 players going in this game
Willie McGinest - USC
Roman Phifer - UCLA
Deshon Foster - UCLA

Even though USC and the dreaded UCLA are not always Natl Champ conteneders they put a lot of players into th NFL.