O/T: Movie That Sucks More Just Than One Ass


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Two days ago I saw the lamest movie ever: Jeepers Creepers. IMHO, that piece of crap makes Friday the 13th Part VI. look like masterpiece. If you haven´t seen it yet, don´t waste your money. Clive Barker said it was the best horror film in 10 years. I guess they must´ve misunderstood him. He might have said "the worst horror film in the last 1O years" or he must´ve gotten paid a lot of money for this.
Oh shit. I was all excited about seeing it precisely because of what Clive Barker said about it. Oh well. Even though I haven't seen it, I can honestly say that it's not the worst movie ever made. That title is reserved for Class of Nuke 'Em High, followed with the close second of Fortress. Any movie worse than those two, everyone in it and involved with it (cast, crew, director, producer, etc.) should die a horrible, ugly death.
I bought the hype and saw it last year with some sleazy chick at the theater. The first 40 minutes had a real eerie vibe, we were both thinking the movie was gonna be scary, but after that it sucked. It looked and felt like the original chainsaw massacre, but failed to live up to it. It wound up being like all the other teeny bopper horror movies.
Originally posted by TD
I bought the hype and saw it last year with some sleazy chick at the theater. The first 40 minutes had a real eerie vibe, we were both thinking the movie was gonna be scary, but after that it sucked. It looked and felt like the original chainsaw massacre, but failed to live up to it. It wound up being like all the other teeny bopper horror movies.

I totally agree. Well the first quarter it seemed to be kinda OK, but then I just spent it staring at the screen, wondering if there could be something that lame ass. Clive Barker is my favourite writer and Hellraiser (the film) kicks ass, I don´t know how could have said that bullshit.
I don´t know who was the director and I don´t care but it must be shit4brains. But the producer was, as far as I´m concerned, F.F.Coppola.
I agree w/ bRat ( big surprise there ) I watched JUST cause Denis Leary rules....and the soundtrack was quite enjoyable. "judgement night" w/ biohazard and onyx, "war" w/ SLAYER and Ice-T......fucking brutal. BRUTAL I TELL YA!

JEEPERS CREEPERS gets my vote. It had so much potential, and failed, nay, I say FAILED to deliver.

Whoever is responsible for the ruination of that possible gem of a flick needs to fuckin' die in a ditch somewhere! I STILL wish I had my money back from that one.:mad: Yeah thats right "grrrr dammit!"