O/T: My NYC trip


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Well I just got back from the hometown of our beloved Anthrax, my first time visiting there. Our stay was 5 days, I lasted 4 days before saying fuck this place I want to go home! LOL I loved the city and have so much respect for the history and also the hard-working people who make the city great. I'm a small-town guy though and by day 5 I was over it, anyone here from the city? I had a ball I got front row at Letterman when Robert Downy Jr. was on, did all the tourist stuff and ate the best pizza ever. People were way nicer than they are here in Orlando but certain big city things still perplex me: Everyone in a car honks, non-stop. LITERALLY. Every cab I was in honked non-stop even when there was no where to go, why?! They stop at a red light with 20 cars in front of them at a complete stop, and honk honk honk. I can't wrap my head around that. I could never live there but it was a fun visit, I never went to any of the boroughs from Manhattan so I never felt unsafe. Any other NYC stories?

BTW I went to the 9/11 memorial and spent hours there, so moving. If that doesn't make you want to kill a terrorist nothing will lol!
Never been, but I did watch the Letterman episode you were at so it's kind of like I was there...nevermind...
Cool Mikey, I've been watching Letterman since I was a kid so being there was a huge high. I was 10 feet in front of the band which was the best they are so talented, they jammed non-stop during the commercial breaks and the guest musician was SICK. Then the musical guest Lizzo performed which of course sucked lol but I got to see Paul and the guys tear it up!
Thats cool, I was in NYC last week myself. Charlie told me to go to a Pizza place but my GPS could not find it. It kept taking back and forth under a toll way that was $13.50 each fucking way. After wasting all that money I gave up and went to another place he told me about. Was not impressed. What Pizza joint you go to? The Freedom tower was cool looking, drove by, did not get out tho. Traffic in NYC Trumps the traffic in Chicago hands down. NEVER going back!! lol
My home city of Adelaide has a population of about 1 million. I've just spent some time in both Sydney and Melbourne, huge by comparison, and I'm always so glad to come back home.

I did live in London for a year some time back. Had an absolute blast, but had a love/hate relationship with the place. Hated the grind of getting from A to B, pollution, general pace etc, but at the same time loved the history, cultures, restaurants, and of course the gigs!! I lived about a mile from Brixton Academy, so ventured there for lots!!!

I've always wanted to go to New York (and many other parts of the US), and really hope to some day soon.
Thats cool, I was in NYC last week myself. Charlie told me to go to a Pizza place but my GPS could not find it. It kept taking back and forth under a toll way that was $13.50 each fucking way. After wasting all that money I gave up and went to another place he told me about. Was not impressed. What Pizza joint you go to? The Freedom tower was cool looking, drove by, did not get out tho. Traffic in NYC Trumps the traffic in Chicago hands down. NEVER going back!! lol
I was staying on the upper east side and went to place called Mimi's Pizza a few times, then a couple of other places I don't remember the names of. We have a ton of tolls here in Orlando but they're only $1 to $2 each, it blew my mind when our cab went over a very short bridge and the toll was $8! I can't imagine $13.50! The Freedom Tower isn't open yet but I stood at the base of it, omg it is mind-blowing. I took a lot of pics maybe I can upload them somehow. So cool we were there at the same time we could have grabbed a beer!:headbang:
My home city of Adelaide has a population of about 1 million. I've just spent some time in both Sydney and Melbourne, huge by comparison, and I'm always so glad to come back home.

I did live in London for a year some time back. Had an absolute blast, but had a love/hate relationship with the place. Hated the grind of getting from A to B, pollution, general pace etc, but at the same time loved the history, cultures, restaurants, and of course the gigs!! I lived about a mile from Brixton Academy, so ventured there for lots!!!

I've always wanted to go to New York (and many other parts of the US), and really hope to some day soon.
That's so great Timmy, my next goal is to make it to Europe one day, I've never been outside of the US other than cruises to the Caribbean. Europe has waaay more history than the US and I know I will be blown away when I go there. Big cities are fun for a short time but I very much like driving in an uncongested road and having low property taxes!:lol: