O/T: NBA Playoffs!


First victim for the soon to be 4peat Champ LA Lakers: Minnesota Timberwolves. Ooooohhhhh, I love the playoffs! The Kings and Spurs do look mighty tough this year. Don't expect anything from the Mavs, what an overrated group that is. No defense, no rebounding, goofball coach, asshole owner. Oh yeah, and as far as the East goes, it doesn't matter at all. I'd like to New Orleans make it though.
TD said:
First victim for the soon to be 4peat Champ LA Lakers: Minnesota Timberwolves. Ooooohhhhh, I love the playoffs! The Kings and Spurs do look mighty tough this year. Don't expect anything from the Mavs, what an overrated group that is. No defense, no rebounding, goofball coach, asshole owner. Oh yeah, and as far as the East goes, it doesn't matter at all. I'd like to New Orleans make it though.

We all know that Ian and Bello are Yankee fans

John is a celtics fan??

what about Benante and Caggiano??? I think Benante likes gambling
yea we finally get homecourt and we still have to get past the lakers to get out of the first round. Bullshit total bullshit. fuck portland for dropping their game the other night just so they would not have to play us!
I'm a CELTICS fan, but I know their last matches they didn't play that good.... but if they play this playoff like they played last year playoff's... they'll be the EAST champion.... but SPURS and KINGS for me are the favorites!!!



(1) Pistons 4 X 2 (8) Magic
(2) Nets 4 X 3 (7) Bucks
(3) Pacers 2 X 4 (6) Celtics
(4) 76ers 1 X 4 (5) Hornets

(1) Pistons 3 X 4 (5) Hornets
(2) Nets 3 X 4 (6) Celtics

(5) Hornets 2 X 4 (6) Celtics


(1) Spurs 4 X 1 (8) Phoenix
(2) Kings 4 X 0 (7) Jazz
(3) Maverics 2 X 4 (6) Blazers
(4) T'wolves 4 X 3 (5) Lakers

(1) Spurs 4 X 3 (4) T'wolves
(2) Kings 4 X 1 (6) Blazers

(1) Spurs 3 X 4 (2) Kings


I hope the Celtics beat the Kings or Spurs... but I think....
(2 West) Kings 4 X 2 Celtics (6 East)
jdelpi said:
Remember the Headbanger's Ball '94 appearance with Charlie and Frank. Rachtman (sp?) asked him what [sports] he follows and he said "I follow...the path" and did a driving like motion with his hands.

I remember that. I can understand not going through life with sports. I know alot of people that way and they're into their art and shit.
AlexStomp said:
I remember that. I can understand not going through life with sports. I know alot of people that way and they're into their art and shit.

Oh, I agree, I wasn't making a judgement call, like "all non-sports fans are fags" but watching the Browns and the Lakers and Holyfield have been SUCH a big part of my growing up - I've learned the thrill of winning and the taste of defeat (albeit vicariously) that "I" can't imagine not having went through it. I'm actually a big proponent of allocating funds for the arts in my school, to give non-athletes a chance to shine.

P.S. admit it Alex, when you were in high school, you threw chess club playes into trash cans and gave swirleys to band members though :)

P.P.S. I remember watching that HBB episode, I've got it dubbed in the archives somewhere. I last watched upon my return from Spring Break 1997 when I vegged in the basement for about 3 days to "recover"
P.S. admit it Alex, when you were in high school, you threw chess club playes into trash cans and gave swirleys to band members though :)

when I was in 9th grade, I ate out this really hot 10th grade chick that played trumpet in the high school band.
Three Bucks players had to go turn themselves in in Toronto for getting into a fight w/ strippers boyfriend and a bouncer. When will these guys learn to friggin' behave. I'm pretty liberal when it comes to this shit actually, I don't mind athletes smoking pot or snorting coke, but I do mind STUPID athletes. Ones who drink and drive for instance. WHY?? You make millions, go to the bar in a damned limo! And why on earth would you go to strip club to pick up women? Go some place a lil classier and waste the $$$ you make off of me the fan. Quietly get a prostitute if you have to, but don't go around looking like a thug starting fights at topless bars, you are a professional athlete, you should have better things to do. Idiots.
RudiPell said:
I'm a CELTICS fan, but I know their last matches they didn't play that good.... but if they play this playoff like they played last year playoff's... they'll be the EAST champion.... but SPURS and KINGS for me are the favorites!!!



(1) Pistons 4 X 2 (8) Magic
(2) Nets 4 X 3 (7) Bucks
(3) Pacers 2 X 4 (6) Celtics
(4) 76ers 1 X 4 (5) Hornets

(1) Pistons 3 X 4 (5) Hornets
(2) Nets 3 X 4 (6) Celtics

(5) Hornets 2 X 4 (6) Celtics


(1) Spurs 4 X 1 (8) Phoenix
(2) Kings 4 X 0 (7) Jazz
(3) Maverics 2 X 4 (6) Blazers
(4) T'wolves 4 X 3 (5) Lakers

(1) Spurs 4 X 3 (4) T'wolves
(2) Kings 4 X 1 (6) Blazers

(1) Spurs 3 X 4 (2) Kings


I hope the Celtics beat the Kings or Spurs... but I think....
(2 West) Kings 4 X 2 Celtics (6 East)

:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

Timberwolves! LOL More like the Minnesota Puppydogs. Feel the wrath of Phil's Karma on the ride to a 4PEAT. I really have nothing against the T-Wolves, but after watching that game, I don't think they will win a game in this series, no more than one if they can do that. They were playing pretty good ball, look at the stat lines. The T-Wolves can't play much better, like Tolbert said "they have a real small margin for error" Because the T-Wolves are playing their asses off, and the Lakers weren't even sweating. The best ball the T-Wolves can play, and the Lakers didn't break a sweat. I'd be scared if were a Minnesota fan. The Lakers were playing opossum all season, and now the sleeping giant is awake.
TD said:
Three Bucks players had to go turn themselves in in Toronto for getting into a fight w/ strippers boyfriend and a bouncer. When will these guys learn to friggin' behave. I'm pretty liberal when it comes to this shit actually, I don't mind athletes smoking pot or snorting coke, but I do mind STUPID athletes. Ones who drink and drive for instance. WHY?? You make millions, go to the bar in a damned limo! And why on earth would you go to strip club to pick up women? Go some place a lil classier and waste the $$$ you make off of me the fan. Quietly get a prostitute if you have to, but don't go around looking like a thug starting fights at topless bars, you are a professional athlete, you should have better things to do. Idiots.

Most athletes (and I stress Most as opposed to all) are stupid as all hell. That's why they do the things you just mentioned. I wait tables at a ritzy joint and they only come in with the owner takes them out. And when they order, they order the most basic shit and if it's meat, they order it well done. To top if all off, they hardly ever pay and when they do, they don't tip.
um, yea!
The T'Wolves just made it 2-1, beating the lakers and the fucking refs - Barkley just called it one of the worst officiated games he's seen in a long time.

and go Mavs!
This is the 1st NBA season I've gave a fuck about in years. I've allways been a big Pistons fan and I'd like to see them do something this year but I know that's a long shot, hey at least they're in it this time. As long as the Lakers don't go all the way I'll be happy.
KY_Fried442 said:
This is the 1st NBA season I've gave a fuck about in years. I've allways been a big Pistons fan and I'd like to see them do something this year but I know that's a long shot, hey at least they're in it this time. As long as the Lakers don't go all the way I'll be happy.

This mentality is one that has always confused me. " I don't watch the game, but I know I hate this team....." The only thing more lame than hopping on the band wagon of the winner, is hopping on the "I hate the winner" band wagon. It's so stupid. Cheer for a team all you want, but don't hate a team just because they are a success. I don't give a rats ass about baseball, but I don't dislike the Yankees for running a good organization. That's just lame. I find it especially lame to dislike the Lakers who are actually a world class character team. Outside of Derek Fisher, every Laker starter is a married man who takes care of their family and has no arrest record. Fisher has no record, he just happens to still be single. And aside from Kobe, every Laker has their degree. How many other teams can you say that about. Give me a reason to hate the Lakers before you hate the Lakers please.
I don't hate the yankee's because they're running a good organization. I just hate them because their a division rival.

The other night I met a bombshell of a woman who was extremely flirty. Well anyway, her "fiance" is a pitcher in the S.F. Giants' farm system. She gave me the lowdown on alot of hush hush shit in baseball. Just stupid drunken stories about some of the players. Damn she had hot legs though. After that she gave me her card. Should I call her?