O/T: NBA Playoffs!

TD said:
This mentality is one that has always confused me. " I don't watch the game, but I know I hate this team....." The only thing more lame than hopping on the band wagon of the winner, is hopping on the "I hate the winner" band wagon. It's so stupid. Cheer for a team all you want, but don't hate a team just because they are a success. I don't give a rats ass about baseball, but I don't dislike the Yankees for running a good organization. That's just lame. I find it especially lame to dislike the Lakers who are actually a world class character team. Outside of Derek Fisher, every Laker starter is a married man who takes care of their family and has no arrest record. Fisher has no record, he just happens to still be single. And aside from Kobe, every Laker has their degree. How many other teams can you say that about. Give me a reason to hate the Lakers before you hate the Lakers please.
I just don't care for the city of LA. I'm sure your going to tell me how lame it is to hate a team because you don't like the city they represent but if you ask me it's equally as lame to like a team because of their marital status and education. (I'm not saying thats your only reason for liking them but that was the only reasons you gave) I never said I hated the players or the fans I just don't want them to win and it has nothing to do with the fact that they've dominated the past few years. Another reason is the fact that I tend to root for the East and since the Lakers are the biggest threat to the East and have been for the better part of my life I don't want them winning. I don't recall saying I didn't watch the game either, I said this is the 1st season I gave a fuck about in years. The past 5 or so years I've started watching but have lost interest about mid season. There's just many very good teams this year (including the Lakers) and it's been a great season to watch.
I hate the fucking Lakers strictly because TD has a hard on for them.................

Is that a good enough reason????

Besides Jerry West was savvy enough to steal the Diesel from the Magic........the rich get richer..........so I have all the right in the world to HATE THE FUCKIN LAKERS.......how we let go of the most dominant force in basketball is still unbeleivable to me.......

Never fear........the Magic might sneak into the finals with as weak as the East is and as dominant as T-Mac has been........Pistons are done as of tonight!!!
Lakers win 4 - 2. Last week the sports world was writing the Lakers off because the T-Wolves won 2 in a row. Puhleese. You'd figure the press would realize the Lakers play better when behind the 8 ball anyway. The only disturbing part is that sometimes the Lakers seem to think they can win any game in the last 5 minutes.

P.S. the absence of Rick Fox will be glaring against the Spurs, Kings, or Mavs. No offense to George, but he is not the defender or away from the ball offensive player that Fox is.
The Dallas Mavericks suck. Even if they squeak by Portland they still suck. Getting up 3 - 0 on a team and then letting that team force a game 7 shows how effeat the leadership is in Dallas. Mark Cuban is a clown. He bought an entire squad but somehow forgot that to win you need defense, interior defense and rebounding. Two things Dallas knows nothing of. Don Nelson is a clown as well. He thinks a good way to defend Shaq is to clear your bench and have all your reserves foul him. Even if the guy only hits 50% if he goes to the line 20 times, that is still 20 points you just gave away. I hope Portland eliminates Dallas today so I can laugh at Mark Cuban and hopefully we'll have seen the last of Don Nelson.
Everybody hates the fucking lakers, go SPURS now! The SPURS are 4-0 in the season vs the lakers, I can't use lakers in capslock, they don't have to be like that! :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

Blazer's blew it.
Mavs could've lost easily. Wallace and Wells had 0 points in the first half, Pippen hobbled along, Sabonis barely has a pulse, no Derrick Anderson or Dale Davis. And they almost got it. Oh well. Fuck the Lakers, go Spurs.
AlexStomp said:
Damn she had hot legs though. After that she gave me her card. Should I call her?

Well, yeah, but you should post the # here so that us single dudes can call her. And whoever else feels like calling her.
Riehlthing said:
Blazer's blew it.
Mavs could've lost easily. Wallace and Wells had 0 points in the first half, Pippen hobbled along, Sabonis barely has a pulse, no Derrick Anderson or Dale Davis. And they almost got it. Oh well. Fuck the Lakers, go Spurs.
I hate the damn Lakers, I hope the Spurs beat the crap out of them. which will be good, then Sacramento will dominate the Spurs and win themselves a Championship. GO KINGS!
DreQuick said:
I hate the damn Lakers, I hope the Spurs beat the crap out of them. which will be good, then Sacramento will dominate the Spurs and win themselves a Championship. GO KINGS!
I hate the Lakers too.
And the Yankees and Braves.
Favorite Baseball teams.
Seattle Mariners, Any Team playing the Yankees, Any Team playing the Braves except the Yankees.
I'm rooting for the Mavs, but I just want to see SOMEBODY, ANYBODY beat the Lakers. I can't stand The Lakers.Phil Jackson. The guy won't coach a team that dosen't have a chance at winning a championship. Real challenging Phil! I could've coached the Bulls back in the day and they still would have won. Anyone who knows ball knows Lenny Wilkens shits out more coaching ability than Phil Jackson. Lenny had Mark Price (a poor man's John Stockton) to work with in Cleveland, 'Nique in Atlanta, Vince in Toronto(except for '99-'00 when they had a few good players-Oakley T Mac etc.). Basically teams with 1 star player and not much else.Plus the Lakers are the most arrogant group of assholes in the NBA. They think it's a given that they're going to 4 peat. So come on Spurs, Mavs, or Kings don't let LA get to the big dance, 'cause noone in the East is gonna win.

P.S. I hope T-Mac is kicking himself for leaving the Raps. I don't care what anyone says but T-Mac and (a healthy) Vince would rule the East!
Man if I was a Kings fan that game where Webber went down would've killed me! Even though I'm rooting for the Mavs, I wouldn't count the Kings out by any stretch. They proved in the regular season that they can win without him.