O/T: NBA Playoffs!

TD said:
The only thing more lame than hopping on the band wagon of the winner, is hopping on the "I hate the winner" band wagon. It's so stupid. Cheer for a team all you want, but don't hate a team just because they are a success. I don't give a rats ass about baseball, but I don't dislike the Yankees for running a good organization.

First off, let me preface this by saying I am a Laker fan, and have been for 20 years, so I hope they win it all again this year.

However, I don't think there's anything lame about the "I hate the winner" band wagon, and I can see why people do hate the Lakers. It's the same reason I want to see the Yankees, the Red Wings, and Manchester United lose. It's boring when the same team always wins. Especially in this mercenary day and age where players have no loyalty to teams anymore, you don't have to be a "good organization", you just have to be a "rich organization". So in a sport that I don't pay too much attention to, or where my favorite team isn't playing, I'll root for the underdog. So it's not hard to see why people who aren't already Laker fans like you are I want to see them crash and burn.

On a slightly different topic, I think Phil Jackson is highly overrated as a coach. Yes, he's won a lot of championships, but as limited as my knowledge of basketball strategy is, I probably could have won a couple of championships if I coached Jordan and Pippen or Shaq and Kobe. If you have the best two players in the league making up 40% of your line-up, it doesn't take a genius to take them to the top. Yes, he's a good coach, because just having the talent doesn't mean anything if they don't play well as a team (look at the NY Rangers for the past six seasons :lol: ). But to rate him as one of the greatest coaches of all time? Please, spare me!
Laker haters all got their wish. Personally, I just wanna thank the Lakers for all the great memories over the last three years. We'll be back. Sadly, some great personalities won't be - the selfless Robert Horry and Brian Shaw have probably played their last games in Laker gold. Kupchack and Buss know they need to add some depth to this team. THey got spoiled. People forget that in 2000 Fox, Horry, and Fisher, all starters this year, were back ups. Sometimes a defeat is a good thing.