O/T Randy Blythe declared innocent

Great news. I don't like that band but respect him for manning up, facing the charges, and respecting that dead kids family in the process. Glad to to see Prague do the right thing :kickass:
Good news for Randy though at the end of the day some family still lost their son regardless of who was at fault.
Yeah, I'm not really a Lamb of God fan, but much respect to Randy Blythe for not dodging the charges and facing them like a man. Glad to see that the legal system in Prague did the right thing.

yep. This really speaks volumes about him (and the band I suppose).
Its still fucked him sideways,I'm guessing he's spent his entire fortune on court etc,quite sad really

Yep he probably did spend a fortune on that. But the publicity it gave to lamb of god in general might help sell some shows and help get that money back