Lamb Of Gods Randy Blythe Arrested for manslaughter ???

Since when you have to fear for your life when you go see your favorite metal band?

Sounds like some fucking christian propaganda when you talk like that.

When I go to see a concert I go to SEE it, no to jump on the fucking stage.
If you do that stuff you should know there might be consequences, like security guys trying to avoid people like that jumping on stage.

Sucks that he died...but it was an accident.
I've seen people break a knee doing a wall of death at a concert, let's blame anyone but the injured guy that decided to participate in it!
^ seriously .... who knows if the dude cracked his head against something a week later


I know theres a few of us here who rather than go to the doctors at the first sign of a headache would take some paracetamol... whether or not anything happened between the show and his death, he surely would have had symptoms... and didn't get checked out sooner...

Skinny: I'm still laughing inside at that "youtube video" scenario...
^ seriously .... who knows if the dude cracked his head against something a week later

LOG's management reports the kid was taken to the hospital an hour later. The timeline of the coma and death is still fuzzy because I keep finding conflicting facts.

Do you think it's likely he died of a totally unrelated thing and his family is just trying to make bank? It doesn't seem like it at this point.
Do you think it's likely he died of a totally unrelated thing and his family is just trying to make bank? It doesn't seem like it at this point.

Likely? = can't really say honestly

A possibility? = Sure

I also think it could be something else ... that maybe they don't actually know what happened to their kid and much like when people would blame bands for suicides and the like, they're looking for someone to blame when its a very real possibility the kid might have fucked himself up in an unrelated way

at the absolute most, I would be looking at that security and not the band because as far as I can tell from any of the videos that have been posted about it, the band had done nothing to cause this
I'm predicting (based on seeing the video) that Randy is freed and the security guard gets jailed for manslaughter. You can clearly see the guy hits his head on the metal rail as he's being pulled backward (or from behind the right side) by his pants as he's trying to hop it for the 3rd time.
Yeah man. the 3rd time, after getting his head hit against the railing, he gets dropped on his head by the security guard. He stays down for quite a while after that...

shame the guy died, but who's to blame there??
a different account from people who were actually there.

"Randy behaved exactly as I expected from him. Fucker, who doesn't give a shit. This has been confirmed whan he gave a few fans pretty hard time. He was very upset when someone decided to visit the podium. The first one got hit quite a lot from Randy, then he jumped on top him and held him down while he continued singing. When he was standing up, he choked him a little bit for him to remember. When the fan got up Randy grabed him by the hair and threw down quite quickly. Good thing for that gentleman was so drunk (his frinds said that he was actually sober) that he felt nothing.

"LAMB OF GOD have the almost perfect metal image - long hair and bearded faces make a strict impression and singer Randy proved a moment later, that it is not just a pose when he absolutely grimly took down a guy who already climbed several times on stage. Frontman made it clear where is his territory, the tresspasser felled to the ground, singer had given him a few right hooks and then threw him of the stage while he even didn't stop singing(!)."

"The only negative aspect of that concert was a mildly controversial approach from LAMB OF GOD towards the stagedivers. In the heat of passion, some of the fans began climbing on the stage ... and in that moment, "Lamb of God" turned into a angry ram, when the fan was very brutally swept back down. I admit that I have never seen such a thing . Yeah, I can understand that not every band is curious about cheeky fans getting on stage. But there was always an unwritten limits to which the band and almost all fans kept, except the most drunkest assholes. LAMB OF GODs attitude was quite unnecessarily exaggerated to me ."

^ that pic just takes the piss out of any of those statements ... the guy on the ground is giving the fuckin horns ... if I felt like I was getting improperly manhandled I wouldn't be making metal face at the singer and flashing him the horns
Well yeah, assuming the photo coincides with the statements and occurred after the fact. But I wouldn't ignore multiple accounts based one photo.
I just wonder what the fucking hell they're doing all the time...meh the bail was paid, but we don't do anything meh. And he won't get out anyway...what the hell?!

Well, yes, I might be a LoG fanboy, but fuck it, that hole situation is kinda weird.
That photo looks awesome in comparison to the video of the kid getting slammed into the security fencing...

Bullshit he ain't out but I guess that's Czech justice... Posts bail. It release is appealed by the prosecution... He's probably gonna be there a while before it even gets to trial....
dunno, I copy/pasted it from somewhere else.

alright. so here's a picture of a goat:


it's got fuck all to do with anything but hey, i saw it on the net so i decided to paste it here.

you were obviously using it to reinforce those statements which is pretty funny for the reasons already mentioned. you weren't miles away about those statements requiring a lot of reinforcement, though, so kudos. ;)
you were obviously using it to reinforce those statements...

Nope, that was included with the original post I copied it from.

edit: Ah, I see now. You guys think I'm the one who included the photo to try in reinforce those statements when I was merely copy/pasting an entire post from someone else on another forum. I guess I shouldn't have included it since it wasn't included in the reports.