O/T Reading Festival and Metallica

Judge Dread

Feb 22, 2003
OK the turnout this year was pretty disappointing, both bands and crowd. It said in the paper that there was only 55,000 people there which compared to last years is way low. In general this showed on the camp site, the atmosphere was just terrible. We actually got told to turn our music down at one point and it was only 1:30 in the morning!!! People are usually up 'till about 5 or 6 in the morning if not all night! WHAT'S UP WITH KIDS TODAY EH? JUST NO STAMINA :Spin:

Anyway out of all of the bands playing (see Festival Website) only Metallica really appealed to me, ok this is when you ask why did you go then? Well I have been going for 7 years now and it's kind of a tradition if you know what I mean, we go for the atmosphere etc. After a long weekend of semi-boredom due to lack of this Sunday night finally arrived and we got ready to go see Metallica.

The theme to Ecstasy of Gold came on with the stage just completely in darkness and then a big grin appeared on my face as they kicked in with Battery. The set list continued with:-

Master of Puppets
Harvester of Sorrow
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Sad But True
St. Anger
No Remorse
Seek and Destroy
Nothing Else Matters
Creeping Death
Enter Sandman

At one point Lars grabbed Kirks guitar and Kirk sat at the drum kit. Lars said 'ok The White Stripes have pulled out so here's a quick tribute, not a piss take' (yeah right), 'we are the black stripes' and they mucked around for a short while and played the intro to Sad but True which was quite funny, lets just say that they should stick to what they know. The new songs went down pretty well with loads of people singing along etc., although personally I was glad that they only played 2 of them and more older stuff especially No Remorse, Seek and Destroy and One which were just amazing! The intro to One was very good what with all of the pyros and sound effects etc.

The guys really seemed like they were genuinely having a good time on stage and actually wanted to be there to play music not just 'cus they should be and I think Robs really beginning to fit in as well which is good because the energy that he brings to the stage is excellent.

Anyway after Enter Sandman (and all of the pyros) had finished it was back to the camp site for us, thinking the atmosphere has got to be better tonight after that! How wrong could we be eh. Ah well we all got pissed and I stayed up 'till 7 in the morning anyway. After that I had 2 and a half hrs sleep and it was back to the mini-bus and home. I got home at approximately 6pm yesterday.

I'm thinking of going to Wacken Festival in Germany next year.

Sorry that this is not the most in depth review in the world but i'm sure most of you guys have seen 'tallica at some point anyway.
Sounds like a pretty good set list, a little slow but good. :Spin:
:Spin: Does anyone think Metallica will drop Enter Sandmane from their setlist or even Master of Muppets? o_O
Metallica owned the fucking weekend and no mistake. I had a great time on the campsite. We were in Brown 6, it was pretty cool there and we had our music blasting till about 5 in the morning. Never had any trouble at all!