O/t Red Dead Revolver


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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If you have a PS2 or an XBOX you won't find a better third person shooter. I guarantee if ur a red blooded American male who played cowboys and indians growin' up or if ur a fan of the "spaghetti westerns" - you will think this game to be the shiz - o - nit! The play is a little weak, but its just goddamn fun to shoot up shit old west style.

Time for bed, I go in in 6 hours. Cya
I'm a huge fan of Westerns but RDR didn't do that much for me. It was decent and I did get some enjoyment out of it but way too short and some parts annoyed the fuck out of me. It was 10000X better then Atari's Dead Man's Hand though. I hear RDR 2 is allready in the works, I bet it'll be much better then the first one.
remington69 said:
Really? I heard that progression of the game is pretty slow...that you have to save a bunch of people's asses before moving on to the next level.
I like it. You do have to earn points between every level by saving people and/or kicking bad-guy-ass. That part gets repetitive, but it's fun.
i work at a theater, i see all the movies before they are offically out, yeah i play the games for them as soon as i can too, spiderman aint too bad, niether is riddick, then again im a Gamefreak by trade so i love most games cause they are games. i havent had a chance to play RDR ywet, budget been a bit tight, driveshaft work had to be dont to my truck. then pay for tuition for college then mayube a new game. till then i'll kill more cops on vice city, and beat the pants off of Dr. Wily on Megaman Anniversary Collections.