O/T: Rogue Squadron III

When I was browsing at .... Best Buy.... I saw the new Rogue Squadron, and thought, "I wonder if Ty's got that yet?"
I almost bought it, but Tony Hawk Underground comes out on Tuesday!!!! :headbang:
I was even gonna e-mail you or something about Rogue Squadron III.
I'll have to pick it up. After I play the new Tony Hawk..... I LOVE THPS games! I'm the only person I know who beat THPS 4, 100%.

Also, when I was browsing Best Buy, I pulled a 'Captian Falcone' and "sprinkled" WCFYA in the new release section, covering up some Limp Biscunt with Anthrax.
They finally got Vol. 8 in also.
It has some clunkiness in it's design ala "Shadows of the Empire" but I still loved that game. It's so cool to be able to get out of your vehicle and walk up to an AT AT though. I haven't had much time to play games (after work I have a lot more work) so I still haven't even beaten the last level of Zelda, but with Rogue Squadron III it was time to use a sick day and just zone out..........
Jeffasin said:
I was lucky enough to get a copy of the preview disc for RSIII and it has the arcade game from 1982 on it.

Ahhhh, shit. I forgot about that. I think if you pre-ordered RS3, you got that arcade game free.