O/T Sick little bastards!

I like how the article called it a prank. Ringing a doorbell and running is a prank. This isn't. Too many times when you read stories about the really bad psychos out there, it all starts with cruelty to animals. I'm glad they were caught but I doubt they are sorry for what they did, probably just sorry that they got caught.
im not an animal lover, but id never strap a fluff ball to a rocket! people are fuked up, and videoing it? sick. Video phones should be taken off the market if all they're gonna be used for is filming rapes, muggings and this. Although if they weren't stupid enough to film it they wouldn't have been caught.
100% correct. Look at most of our "famous" mass murderers, they all started out the same way. You start on small defencless animals and move up the food chain. These kids need serious help, or in about 15 years I can guarentee at least one will have murdered a persn.

eighteeschick said:
Too many times when you read stories about the really bad psychos out there, it all starts with cruelty to animals. .
Hopefully they will get caught and punished, the idiots didnt keep the footage to themselves and apparently have Bluetoothed it around half of Glasgow with their faces clearly visable. Somebody will stick them in for sure.
Jockthrax said:
Hopefully they will get caught and punished, the idiots didnt keep the footage to themselves and apparently have Bluetoothed it around half of Glasgow with their faces clearly visable. Somebody will stick them in for sure.

What does "Bluetoothed it" mean?
Its for sending a message between mobile phones but you can send images and video's without your network charging you. Mostly used for porn like every good peice of technology should!
im not entirely up on techno-speak(being more of a metal guy (laugh? i almost started) but its when you send videos and stuff with mobile phones. i think. bloody stupid to record your crime and send it to every fucker in town.
It would be a bit ironic if the comination of hamster innards and gunpower was the cure for cancer. but they probably snorted all that shit up anyway. Kids of today, eh?
Jockthrax said:
Its for sending a message between mobile phones but you can send images and video's without your network charging you. Mostly used for porn like every good peice of technology should!

Thanks for explaining it. I had no idea. The only good thing is that they were stupid enough to share the video which will hopefully lead to them getting caught.
Thats just wrong. I owned three hamsters from the age of 8-9. I remember my first one died on April fools day. So when my parents told me I thought it was some kind of sick joke, but fucking killing it with a firework is just sick.
I'd like to strap the little fuckers up by their ankles and fuckin' beat them to death... how's that for cruelty to animals?
eighteeschick said:
Too many times when you read stories about the really bad psychos out there, it all starts with cruelty to animals. I'm glad they were caught but I doubt they are sorry for what they did, probably just sorry that they got caught.

A guy called Ulf Ohlsson (who I met a cople of times) who´s been sent to jail for abducting and murdering one girl and a woman used to have a couple of dogs. One day some neighbours met him in the hallway coverd in blood. He had killed at least one of the dogs by gutting it in his flat.
Arg_Hamster said:
A guy called Ulf Ohlsson (who I met a cople of times) who´s been sent to jail for abducting and murdering one girl and a woman used to have a couple of dogs. One day some neighbours met him in the hallway coverd in blood. He had killed at least one of the dogs by gutting it in his flat.
Okay.... you're not allowed to talk to that boy ANYMORE!
DumbAss said:
Okay.... you're not allowed to talk to that boy ANYMORE!

Yes father.

Don´t worry, that fucker is going to sitt this life out in jail. He´s suspected for even more abductions and murders. I wonder where his last dog was taken when the cops came and stole Ulf. I can belive he was allowed to handle animals after what he did to those other dogs (and humans).