O/T Spiderman DVD

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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Hey everybody! I picked up the Spiderman DVD today at Lunch. I got a couple of cool extra's, Something that almost looks like a Baseball card, but is made out of a CD, and some DVD Rom disk with Spiderman Comic's on it(I am sure it will download some deal I will never use onto my computer, but the comic's sound cool). I got the Widescreen Version, and I was just wondering what everybodies preference was when buying DVD's. I never paid much attention to it until I had to choose between Full or Wide Screen for the Spidey version. So what does evryone prefer?
First of all, I like seeing the whole movie the way it was made to be seen, so I prefer WIDESCREEN.
Second, what the fuck kind of special version did you get?
I just opened up my "Limited Edition Collectors Gift Set" DVD and it doesn't have any baseball card CD thingy.
It has a few things including a reprint of "Amazing Fantasies" #15 and an extra DVD with Stan Lee and Kevin Smith.

If I have a choice, I'll usually go for the widescreen. I like some of the old double-sided DVDs that have full screen on one side and wide screen on the other. I wonder why they don't do this more often (probably a $ thing, but I can't see how...who'd buy both versions?).

Anyway, as for Spidey, I'll probably pick it up this weekend, once I've figured out which place around here has it the cheapest (I have to save money for diapers...and the 4-DVD version of Lord of the Rings that comes out in two weeks!)
I uaually get the fullscreen versions. It's cool that you get to see it just like in the theater with the widescreen versions but I, for some reason, can't stand the smaller picture. I have a fairly large TV but it still drives me crazy to see all that black.
Originally posted by KY_Fried442
I uaually get the fullscreen versions. It's cool that you get to see it just like in the theater with the widescreen versions but I, for some reason, can't stand the smaller picture. I have a fairly large TV but it still drives me crazy to see all that black.

My thoughts exactly.
By the way, my wife apparantly never watches t.v. while I'm working, and was shocked to see Kerry King in tha sum41 video.

I watched the extras yesterday, then it was time for bed. This thing is jam packed with all sorts ' o sheot!

Time to go to work, everybody have a good 'un....
Yep. It fucking ruled! I actually saw it 5 fucking times in the theater!!
Saw Attack of the Clones twice.
That DVD comes out on the 12th!
Here's what full screen movies look like:
Next time you go to the movie theater, cup your hands by your eyes, like you're looking in a window and blocking the glare with your hands.
Try watching the movie with your hands cupped by your eyes, and you'll see what the movie will look like in full screen on your TV.
Widescreen all the way. I hate pan and scan. It just gets on my nerves.

The bigger the TV the less you care about the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. What I can't stand are DVD releases that have pan and scan only. Ugh.