O/T: The coffee thread

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I only drink coffee when I'm exhausted. Well, either coffee or Red Bull.
I have about a cup or two a week.

At Starbucks I just get the tall Coffee of The Day.
StarbucksDude: "Do you need room for cream?"
ThraxDude: "NOPE!"

Oh, the Carmel Apple Cider is very good too.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
I am now coffee-free for over three years...I used to be a caffeine addict but I quit cold turkey and don't regret it. :lol:

In 2000 after my scope, my doctor told me to limit my booze to one or two beers on the weekend, and to switch to decaf. I was able to quit drinking booze completely for about 9mo's w/ ease. I had one last wild weekend w/ about 3 cases of Blue Moon and a half gallon of Makers, and foudn quiting drinking to be easy. That is why I don't buy into the rehab thing. It is not a disease, it's a bad habit. AA is a brainwashing cult. BTW I am able to drink again. (Jesus H. Christ when I came back, I came back:lol:) But switching to decaf was a motherfucker! Decaf coffee is like non-alcohol scotch, what is the point? Of course teaching kids has led me to drinking both evil substances again and at some point I'm going to have to quit drinking both again and get on nexium so my stomach can heal properly, I'm thinking I'll quit in the fall because I find football entertaining enough without beer so I think I'll have a good time with it.
damn I used to drink like 5 DR. peppers a day. And I used to work at cinnabon so I would drink A big large soda cup full of Mochalatta. Damn those were good. But then I realized I was never sleeping. it began to takes its toll so I eventualy quit caffeine. ANd now when I slip and drink just a 20 oz can of DP I'm up all night and the next. Freakin crazy!
Well I drink about a pot(meaning a 4 cup pot)a day and for awhile I quit Caffeine(Pop and Coffee). It was not easy. I am back to drinking Caffeine again, just because I need it. I felt better without it, but in the morning I need my coffee(Decaf just wasn't cutting it) I have pretty much quit drinking, even when I have a chance, I can never really get wasted because I always have my son. I have found quiting drinking to be a breeze. It is nice to get up early on The weekends and actually doing stuff instead of laying in bed all day recovering from the night before.
Wow, I guess I have a real problem then! I usually drink a 35 ounch mugg of coffee in the morning, followed by two or three mountain dews in the day. It sounds like I may need to quite, but I guess I have a iron stomach cause it has never bothered me.


I dont drink coffee just diet coke. Between 4 and five a day on work days. For some reason coffee is one bad habit I never picked up. But I giess that much diet coke is just as bad.
I avoid caffeine while pregnant, which leads to massive headaches at times, which strangely can only be cured with a full strength Coke. :confused: But I used to run to Circle K and get some French Vanilla cappucino rather often. That's my idea of coffee. I don't own a coffee machine, and I can't stand regular coffee. I used to be able to drink a 12 pack of soda and sleep for 12 hours, now one soda and I'm wired for at least a day. Now I get my energy from SLEEP, the way we're supposed to. Except that I haven't had a decent night's sleep in months, soooo.... (that would explain my babbling). :grin:
I found myself getting headaches from caffiene withdrawal but caffiene still does not get me wired per se. That is probably because in my crazier younger days I've ate boat loads of trucker speed and mini thins and even some of that illegal stuff (I'm taking the 5th on that one) So coffee is something that is very subtle to me as far as getting any "rush."
I drink about 6-8 cups of coffee a day, but I don't drink soda at all (except as a mixer). My favorite place to get coffee is here in Oxford called the Uptown Bakery. It's run by a couple of ladies and they sell muffins and stuff they make from scratch every morning. They are only open for breakfast and lunch though so at night I have to go to Starbucks. I'm not a big fan of Starbucks because they burn thier beans and are corporate whores who put smaller places out of business. Of course, if I shopped with a conscience, I wouldn't collect Star Wars figures (which are hand painted by little Chinese kids, that's why there are so many paint variations).

I'm with you J - I rarely drink soda, unless I am mixing Makers Mark or Crown Royal with it. ANd believe it or not, my favorite cola is Royal Crown. I've had a few Vanilla Cokes, and they aren't bad. Not as good as the ones you get at the Dairy Queen though. Starbucks are bad about shutting down all the mom and pop operations. I was sitting in a class at OU once talking about my love for Starbucks - and the girl next to me, well her dad's coffee shop of 30 years just got shut down 'cause a Starbucks had just come in across the street! Woops. It didn't get ugly though. I can relate, my dad got forced out of the grocery business after 35 years because it is nearly impossible to be an independent store in the world of giant chains.