O/T: Attn Coffee Freaks (Please Help-Shopping)


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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My mother-in-law is one of those people you just can't shop for. So we're at the mall today and she tells me she needs a new coffee maker. She wants another Black & Decker SpaceMaker (the kind you mount under your cabinet), but she said she saw one that used some kind of mesh so it doesn't need filters.

Now, I have looked at Black & Decker, Amazon, Target, Walmart, Kitchen Aid, Linens N Things and KMart. The stores that had a SpaceMaker at all didn't give any details.

So my question is, where does one go when looking for a coffee maker? The only one I ever bought was the one she has now that needs replacing. If I can't find this damn thing, she's getting (more) candles. :err:
ARE YOU CRAZY??? Let's build an atom bomb while we're at it!!

She's very particular. Everything in her kitchen is Black & Decker, and she likes it that way. The coffee maker MUST be a SpaceMaker, so it doesn't clutter her counters. It has to be programmable so she doesn't have to deal with it at 4 a.m. If she doesn't want filters, it's because she's tired of dealing with them, not that she doesn't want to buy them herself. And it damn well better match the rest of the kitchen or it's going back!!!! :mad: (We've been through this many times before.)
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
You know the answer to that one Brat :D I feel you I have My Dad and Step Mom and My father in law and his wife have it all. So I never know what to get them. :Spin:
I know. I asked her what to get her and she said "Don't worry about it." Yeah, okay. So then we're in Linens N Things and she tells me she's looking for this thing. But she gave me the wrong brand. But I got all excited that I finally had an idea for her, and my idiot husband goes and calls and talks to her about it, so she's probably expecting it now. Especially after my exact words were "DON'T CALL YOUR MOM!!"

Every other year we got her candles, because she's got them burning every second that she's home. She might never have to buy them herself again with the stash we've built up for her. So I wanted to get something other than candles, but this is all I came up with. Oh and the kids are getting her something from Build A Bear.
Yes and yes. Every candle holder you can imagine, and fancy little brass angel snuffers. The candles in the living room are color coordinated, and the scented ones go on the counter in the kitchen.

What's fun is my son and my nephew LOVE blowing them out. :)
You wouldn't think so, but she keeps her house at 80 when no one is over. And she has a heated waterbed, and keeps a space heater in her office. She wears a sweatshirt when she comes over here because she can't handle my eskimo husband. :D
No, that's when she's comfortable. Although she'd wear jeans if she thought she'd get away with not being made fun of. And she never complains about her work clothes, she has to be kind of dressy, no shorts, all that. Everyone else hates it, but I think she likes wearing pants in August.