O/T: This is scary...

That is ridiculous. Whether or not you agree with the war or Bush's policies, leave the poor kids out of it, and above all, be civil to each other. Same goes for booing national anthems at sporting events (that being said, it was also over the top for MLB to tell the Blue Jays that they had to play "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch at a game in Canada). Can't we go to sporting events to get away from silly politics?
agreed... if you don't agree with the US war policy, write a letter to the embassy or to the US government, leave the simple citizens out of it 'cause they don't have any say in what their country does; btw, I think that the anti-americanism is more pronounced in the french-speaking province than in the rest of Canada...

especially in hockey, it's quite ridiculous to play the national anthems since about half the players on each team are European...
yeah no one should ever be penalised for staging or being a part of a peacuful protest unless of cuase they get into random acts of senseless violence,at a recent so called peace march it was the most violent protest in australia's history,so called uni students and school student throwing chairs at police terrorising citizens spitting at police etc i just wish that the police had ther rights to belt the fuck outta any trouble makers!!!!!!!!
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RE: "Oregon Law Would Jail War Protesters as Terrorists"

Ironic, isn't it?

What they should do is send every war protester out to the center of Bagdad, and see how many friends they can make before they get killed.
It said STREET BLOCKING PROTESTERS. You can protest just don't make me late for work doing it. Also these bed wetters take the police away from doing useful things like follow up on terrorist leads and arresting murders and rapists.
ThraxDude said:
What they should do is send every war protester out to the center of Bagdad, and see how many friends they can make before they get killed.

i support it! lol
Speaking of San Francisco...
My history professor the other day was explaining the domino theory during the cold war. She said something like "the theory said that if Vietnam fell to communism, the rest of Asia would follow and pretty soon communists would be marching on San Francisco."
So I said "aren't they doing that right now?"
jdelpi said:
Speaking of San Francisco...
My history professor the other day was explaining the domino theory during the cold war. She said something like "the theory said that if Vietnam fell to communism, the rest of Asia would follow and pretty soon communists would be marching on San Francisco."
So I said "aren't they doing that right now?"
That was a good one.
I am personally fed up with politics in general. Every country is corrupt, it's just a matter of how much. The media be it CNN or Iraqi news etc., is a business, just like any other where profit is the bottom line. The media will report what your leaders want you to hear whichever country or side you're on. I am not pro or anti Iraq, because quite frankly as long as I'm not attacked I really don't give a shit. By the way the war is about Israel. Not freedom. Not oil. Do you actually think Saddam would launch missles at the States? He wouldn't because he knows his country would not exist after about 2 minutes. Saddam would however attack Israel because in the late '80s they destroyed his nuclear weapons facilities. Israel is the States biggest ally possibly in the world, and the last thing they would want is Israel getting attacked. It amazes me how much the American public trusts their leaders after they blatantly lie to you (i.e. Nixon) and you still buy every word that they tell you. :lol: