O/T: This is scary...

Cincy Vigilante said:
The same people who protest war because of the innocent women and children that might be killed are the same people that are pro abortion, how fucked up is that?
What's even more messed up is the "pro-life" people that kill or threaten abortion doctors.

@Strik9: Yeah, the media bias is a factor. My friend watches Chilean newscasts by satellite, which airs both Iraqi footage and CNN footage. The Iraqi footage shows fairly graphic shots of dead civillians and destroyed homes, something that our networks tend to minimize. It works both ways, it's hard to see what the truth is.
strik9 said:
I am personally fed up with politics in general. Every country is corrupt, it's just a matter of how much. The media be it CNN or Iraqi news etc., is a business, just like any other where profit is the bottom line. The media will report what your leaders want you to hear whichever country or side you're on. I am not pro or anti Iraq, because quite frankly as long as I'm not attacked I really don't give a shit. By the way the war is about Israel. Not freedom. Not oil. Do you actually think Saddam would launch missles at the States? He wouldn't because he knows his country would not exist after about 2 minutes. Saddam would however attack Israel because in the late '80s they destroyed his nuclear weapons facilities. Israel is the States biggest ally possibly in the world, and the last thing they would want is Israel getting attacked. It amazes me how much the American public trusts their leaders after they blatantly lie to you (i.e. Nixon) and you still buy every word that they tell you. :lol:

I don't think anyone ever claimed Iraq could launch missiles at the US. He could, however, somehow spread chemical or biological weapons in the US.
nafnikufesin said:
What's even more messed up is the "pro-life" people that kill or threaten abortion doctors.

Yes it is messed. And any legitimate pro-life group condemns such violence. Of course, the violence often works the other way as well.

By the way, debating this issue will get us nowhere, I'm pretty sure. You're not going to convince me that at one point you had a legitimate moral right to kill Antonio and I won't convince you otherwise if you believe you did or still do.