o/t twinkies


low key
Oct 21, 2002
how much does a box of ten twinkies generally go for in the US?

i ask cos i love the things, hostess unfortunately dont sell anything over here tho, some dudes based in the uk ship em in tho( and stacks of other stuff too) and are charging like 9 quid a box?? just wondering what their mark up is, gotta be huuuuuuuuuge hasnt it? i mean thats like 18 bucks, surely they cant be more than about a five out there?

seems like an easy business tho, shipping in american candy and charging the ass off it ....

3 bucks !! for ten? thats crazy cheap, for such sugary goodness too....man those guys are making a killing selling them for £9..........ta for the info, ebay it is for me twinkies ;) why doesnt anyone sell them over here, sillyness.

so, dare i ask, whats a scottish twinkie? i know i dont want a box of them anyway :)
How about the ultimate treat - deep-fried Twinkies? I've only had them once - probably went right to my arteries and turned into a rock - but, god-DAMN, were they tasty!
How about the ultimate treat - deep-fried Twinkies? I've only had them once - probably went right to my arteries and turned into a rock - but, god-DAMN, were they tasty!

oh yeah, slayer wrote 2 songs about deep fried twinkies "god send death" and "hardening of the arteries"
karrokid said:
oh yeah, slayer wrote 2 songs about deep fried twinkies "god send death" and "hardening of the arteries"

I remember liking them as a kid but they're disgusting to me now. I think the reason why is because I tried them fried somewhere and was thoroughly disgusted.

I think the next time I travel to the UK, I'll have to bring a few boxes of Twinkies and hang out in the freshman dorms at the colleges to help some bitches gain their freshman fifteen along with a latin american chorizo up her bum.
I remember liking them as a kid but they're disgusting to me now.
i can eat um all day long. how bout tasty cakes ? a friend of mine from PA brought me some once. those were good too.
yeah man cant enough of those twinkies, they counldnt be more synthetic but man they hit the spot :) ...... cant help but feel like i am missing out here on tasty cakes and whatevr devildogs are :)

look forward to alex stomps next twinkie visit, tho gonna hve to avoid that chorizo and just nab some twinkies........

so whats the deal with ho ho's and ding dongs, they just names to me, worth looking into :) haha dmn this sweet tooth......must.... try..... candies of the world.........
Haha twinkies...I'm originally from Philly where Tastycakes are sold...I didn't realize here in NY or north of PA they don't sell those products. We have the wholeclubs that I am a member of, but I would have to check it out in PA the next time I am there how much a box cost...but to buy just a pack of 2 I'm almost positive it costs under $1.00, sometimes less

lokey said:
how much does a box of ten twinkies generally go for in the US?

i ask cos i love the things, hostess unfortunately dont sell anything over here tho, some dudes based in the uk ship em in tho( and stacks of other stuff too) and are charging like 9 quid a box?? just wondering what their mark up is, gotta be huuuuuuuuuge hasnt it? i mean thats like 18 bucks, surely they cant be more than about a five out there?

seems like an easy business tho, shipping in american candy and charging the ass off it ....

Alex im with ya on the oatmeal cream pies, fudge rounds run a close second.

But lately its been baked lays, and ice water by the half gallon, im having surgery soon again, on my ruptured chest wall, i got a piece of intestine that can pop through my muscle.... like a doughboy, its getting fixed June 13th, then im hitting the gym to get back the physique i had long before kids, wife, and a desk job.

its was cream pies damnit, LOL.

as for twinkies, they are good but only with cold milk.