O/T: Upon reading Gene Simmons new book, I now remember why he is my hero


Gene on $$$$$$$: Work your ass off, consider time as money, if you don't need it - don't buy it, save it, and don't apoligize to anyone for having it.

On drugs and alcohol: they are for losers, they cost money, the time spent on them is costing you money, and you become less productive financially and in the sack.

Gene on marriage: Dumbest business move a man can make! However, Gene points out that a woman is smart to marry as many times as she can. Where else can she get 50% of her ex's salary.

Say what you will about Gene, but I think the guy is great. His live in girlfriend is a Playmate of the year, and she lets him fuck around, he doesn't use drugs or booze, and makes megacash off of KISS. Plus he has used his fortune to make sure his family (mom dad and his own kids) will never have to worry about anything.
No drugs, no booze, no purchasing things you don't really need....no thanks. Of course marriage might be a stupid "business move" if the only women you associate with are gold digging playmate bimbos like he does. I also find it laughable that he says if you don't need it don't buy it when he sells shit loads of gay KISS memorabilia that you know people just can't live without.
What about that dude that paid 3.5 million for mcquires record breaking home run ball and nearly half a million for bonds'? To me that's just stupid. This guy has speant maybe 5 million in baseball memorablia.
When I'm 80 am I going to look back on my life and say, "well I sure saved the hell out of my money. Didn't get to do nothing but damn I'll get to pass a lot of cash off to my kids." Fuck no, I'm going to say what fun I had, I love going to 20 concerts a year, buying comics each week going to 50 movies a year. I bust my balls to do it to. I litereally work 4 jobs. I have one full time and 3 part time jobs. I work about 65 to 75 hours each week. I haven't had more than 2 days off in a row in over two years. Am I bitchin, no but I'm sure gonna drink up. I'm going to any concert I want. I buy any cd or dvd I want. When my wife and I, or friends and I go out we go out to have fun. I dont go to Jeff Rubys and say I "would" get the fillet but it costs 35 bucks, I say hell its not every day I eat at one of the best resturants in cincinnati lets get the frikin fillet.
Yeah I probably could drive something other that a 2001 caviler or have a bigger house, but I have different priorties than most people. I'm sure this ain't the smartest way for me to be with my money and life but I'm having fun. I could die tomorrow.
I didn't drink for a long time. Trust me, it's not that great of a thing to do. I don't drink very often, but it's good to do sometimes. Just don't let it get to you, and stay away from drugs. (and I don't mean caffiene, alcohol and nicotine, smartasses)
The horror of it all!!! Who would consider booze a waste?

If I wasn't wasted a good portion of the time, I would probably be doing something stupid like working! No thanks. Sometimes you just gotta take a breaK from reality.

And, that my friends, is why they invented Blatz!
mrthrax said:
whats wrong with looking after yourself,i would be a whole lot better off if i didnt waste my money on booze!

I'd be better off financially but not in a more general way, I'd be fucking bored and wouldn't have so many funny anecdotes. The only thing to rival drinking is music.
I'm not putting down anyone who drinks and does drugs. That would be hypocritical of me. I would say that although I have enjoyed the hell out of myself when drinking, I can also attribute just about every personal mistake I've made to alcohol, and I've spent THOUSANDS that I'd otherwise have more to show for.
Keith Would said:
I'd be better off financially but not in a more general way, I'd be fucking bored and wouldn't have so many funny anecdotes. The only thing to rival drinking is music.

exactly i was just making a point,i have chosen to live life to its fullest,if i want something i generally get it whether it be a monstrous amp,a new guitar or anything for that matter.

i will be getting a house soon it will just take longer to own thats all!