O/T What a sweet day!

It's fucking 16 Fahrenheit, "feels like" 2. Mpls/St Paul. Why ANYBODY IN THEIR RIGHT FUCKING MIND would live here is beyond me.
It was warm (but rainy) here in Ottawa yesterday, somewhere around 0 Celsius (32 Fahrenheit), but it's getting nasty today. It's dropped at least 10 or 12 degrees since I got to work at 7am. It's down to -10 (14 F) with a windchill of -22 (-8 F). And, it's supposed to get even worse as the day goes on.

It's going to be a bitch getting home. It was really wet and slushy this morning. Now, it's going to be a damn skating rink. Nothing like slippery conditions at rush hour and having to drive 30km to get home.
Its really hot here in Glasgow, Im just about to go down to the River Clyde for a quick dip before i go home to relax in the quiet shade of the palm groves.

then i wake up to the reality that its pretty fuckin cold outside and it will probably snow 2nite making getting to work in the morning a pain in the testicles....Bah!