O/T: Where did Darth Vader go after the Death Star blew up in A New Hope??


I've often wondered this, and I don't wanna scour any nerd infested sci-fi sites to uncover the answers, nor am I going to start reading Star Wars novels, but does anybody here know the answer??? How far could Darth have made it in that glorified Tie-fighter he had. Was there a base near by?? Why did Lucas decide to have Greebo shoot first???
I being a Star Wars buff have often wondered the same question TD. My guess is that a near by Star Destroyer came and picked him up, after all, he is Darth Vader and considered to be a high priority. Ofcourse the rebels would have missed the Star Destroyer on their radio, they were too busy celebrating the destruction of the Death Star. I honestly think that this would be the only acceptable theory since a Star Destroyer could have used light speed to get to Vader before his fuel ran out! Anyhow, I think this would have to be a acceptable outcome!

Your friends and colleagues have just all tragically died, your hopes of becoming the supreme ruler of the universe have just been devastated...where would you go if you were Darth Vader? I'm guessing he went somewhere for a stiff drink.

That being said, it's the end of the work day leading into the long weekend, so perhaps a stiff drink is on my mind for a different reason. Maybe I'll go home and watch the trilogy, and drink everytime someone mentions "the force", or R2D2 beeps.
Small fighters have no problems travelling long distances as most of them are equipped with hyperspace engines, but the pilots generally can't survive the long trips without food and water. But Jedi have an ability called "Hibernation Trance" that allows them to basically hibernate for long periods of time without have to wake up for eating, etc. They use it for especially long space flights (Luke uses it in the books to travel great distances in his X-Wing). My guess would be Vader set course for the nearest base and went into hibernation. Which would also explain why the Empire didn't just come back and wipe out the rebels with a bunch of Star Destroyers ('cause it took a while for Vader to get back and inform them all of what happened, leaving enough time for the rebels to relocate to Hoth). Although I have no idea if there is an official story on the matter.

As an interesting sidenote, Grand Moff Tarkin (the guy who was in charge of the Death Star, the "Escape, in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances" guy) ranked higher than Darth Vader, so the destruction of the Death Star led to Vader becoming the leader of the fleet, and 2nd in command only to the Emperor himself.

Yes, I'm a Star Wars geek. So sue me.
I read the Han Solo Trilogy. It was good. It tells about why he thought Lando was really gonna hit him in Empire Strikes Back. Also, it tells about how he won the Millenium Falcon and how he did the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.

I think Lucas had Greedo shoot first for the same reason Spielberg had the guns digitally removed from E.T.
Anyway, I haven't seen the new E.T. remastered movie yet. I really want to. Maybe tonight.
I was 10 (Elliot's age) when that movie first came out. That was my favorite movie for a long time.
He had Greedo shoot first in the rereleases so Han would not look like a cold blooded killer. But thats just a guess. I HATE this crap when they change the movie for the "better" on these rereleases. By having Han shoot first they scale back his character developement. At first he was a "scoundrel" a money hungry self centered pirate and a killer. Now being around Luke and Leia and learning about the force etc. he realizes that he wants to help them and deep down his priorties go beyond money.
In the new E.T. Spielberg used computers to erease the guns from the FBIs hands! How sad that he thinks we need to be that coddled. He also took out the phrase penis breath.sad
Well it was the 70's so he probably went to Studio 54, got himself a martini and some blow, chilled out with Elton John, and waited for Empire to start.

By the way, Vader says he and Elton are "just friends".
They didn't remove everyone's favorite line that is "Penis breath". That was just a rumor.
I can't stand E.T. after having to watch it in Spanish. You can only hear "Mi casa, telefono mi casa, mi casa, telefono mi casa" so many times before you brain starts to hurt. I've tried to see the English version since then, and it doesn't work for me at all. That was my favorite movie when I was little, especially because I had one of those stupid stuff dolls and my older cousins played keep away with it and then I ran and told my uncle and he beat their asses for me (godfathers are good for that sort of thing). I just wish my Spanish teacher hadn't killed it for me... :mad:

As for Star Wars, I guess I just didn't pay as much attention as everyone else did...but guys are usually bigger Star Wars fans than girls are anyway, so I don't feel bad.
Darth Vader's TIE was a prototype of the TIE-Interceptor thus it had a hyper drive. I like the trance theory, Yavin would be in the Outer Rim so it'd be quite a hike to get back to Empire friendly space. BUT Vader doesn't eat, he's cyborg.

I've wondered what it must have been like being 2nd in command of the Empire and rumors floating around you that a Skywalker destroyed the Death Star. Thus that's why I think Vader has such bad PMS in Empire Strikes Back.
Oh, about the Greedo thing. He added it to make it more realistic. Greedo was a Rodian bounty hunter; Rodians are a race of exceptionally good bounty hunters. Greedo wasn't as good as most Rodians because he grew up off-world, but realistically Han couldn't have gotten a shot off before him. As to why he missed, that's cause we can't kill one of the heros in the beginning.
I had to watch E.T. in spanish class too. That damn "EH TEH TELEPHONO ME CASA! EH TEH TELEPHONO ME CASA!!!!" It haunts my dreams.
Lets not forget that "Lord" Vader was a master of the force, but no one dared call him master-Vader. He prolly "forced" his way to a nerby planet or base. That or mabe he hitched a ride with Bubba Fett.
Did anyone else see ET in episode one during the big senate hearing? No joke there was a couple of them. Makes a lot of sense about ET the movie. ET was a freakin jedi with that glowing finger crap. All I want to see in episode two is Yoda pull out twin blaster pistols and yell "Light your ass up I will".
I saw those E.T.'s in Episode I. I noticed them the first time I saw Episode I.
I saw E.T. last night. Remember when Elliot is showing him his Star Wars figures? He says, "This is Greedo, this is Hammerhead, this is Lando, and that is Obi Wan."
Also, when they go out on Halloween, E.T. sees that little guy in the Yoda costume and tries following him, saying, "Home! Home!"
That was funny.