O/T Winter Olympics


Supreme Ruler
Sep 29, 2005
does anybody watch it? i watched the snowboarding and i thought it was really cool. Wat is that sport when they use a broom to push a puck in the bullseye?
...its the stupidest sport i have ever seen...
That´s curling! Crappy sport, and the only sport where Denmark has qualified for the Olympics, so it gets a hell of a lot of coverage here... :rolleyes:
I hate to admit it, but I was actually watching curling (as well as a little bit of the short track speedskating). Curling is the "bullseye" sport - dunno, maybe it's that it requires a little strategy. To each their own, I guess.
Curling isn't very exciting to watch, but it's one of the few sports where they sell you beer while you're playing it, so it's not that bad to play. Besides, Canada wins gold at it half the time, so cheers to our ability to win at beer-drinking sports :grin:

There are much stupider sports, by the way...anything that is decided by a judge, there's no bias or politics there (whatever happened to "higher, faster, stronger"?) but ice dance and synchronized trampoline have to be among the stupidest.

The problem with the Winter Olympics is that the weather is usually to cold for women to be flashing their old tits at the cameras.
Bleearg said:
Hockey a girl sport? Well, there is women's hockey now.:erk:

Exactly. I always knew it was girl sport because when they get mad at eachother they take off the gloves and helmets and get into a big cat fight.