NHL Lockout Withdrawals O/T


Mongoloid Elitist
Jan 24, 2005
Long Island N.Y
I have been a huge hockey fan all my life and I love the cult aspect of it concerning it's following and it's fans . I never wanted it to be a major sport. And it never will be. Because if it did that's the day when they will fucking ruin it. Just Like all good things. Same case can be said for Music and the media in general . Most everything that is nationally popular is fucking unwatchable,unlistenable slop.

However, You do find some nuggets like Southpark and other depraved shows that deviate from the norm. So all hope is not lost. Getting back to hockey. I decided to post a hockey fight from last year to ease the shakes I am getting from not watching any puck.

Best Regards,

Momo's Featured Hockey Fight #1
Great hockey fight Momo!!!! I love it. Man I am also bummed about there being no hockey this year. I live in Red Wing's state so you know us Michiganders are just sitting here with a thumb up our ass(well not literally) with nothing to do.

I got to see the Wings and Calgary play last season. It was an awesome game and my first professional hockey game that I have been to. I go to alot of MSU hockey games though so that is my fix for hockey this year although nothing beats watching the pro's.
As far as hockey goes...
I am Czech need I say more? :)

And Steve, please change your signature back to normal...this makes me :puke: