o/t How was your weekend?


Rebel Scum
Feb 14, 2002
Echo Base
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Hey, I had to tell you all about my fucking amazing weekend. My friend Amy from ILM was doing a convention up in Columbus and invited me up to the pre-Con party. It was actually at a comic book shop after hours called the Laughing Ogre and was only for the convention people and the guests. There were a few people from Buffy and Angel there, but I didn't really know who they were. One guy's name was James and he played somebody named Clem, there was a guy named Andy (I can't remember his character's name, but he's a green guy with horns who owns a bar), and a guy named Mark who played Gooslug or Grooslug, something like that. All the girls followed these guys around all night. Ted Raimi was there as well which was really sweet. He's probably best known for playing Jockser (sp?) on Xena and Hercules, but he is also brothers with Sam Raimi and has appeared in every single one of his films (The Evil Dead series, Darkman, the Quick and the Dead, A Simple Plan, For the Love of the Game, The Gift and last but not least Spiderman.) I got to meet Sergio Arogones (legendary Mad magazine artist), John somebody (who played Timmy on Lassie) and two Playboy playmates named Julie and Jennifer. Ok, I'll admit I did throw a little game at the Playmates and got completely blown off, but how many times in your life do you get to party with Playmates and get a chance like that? From Star Wars, I got to meet Julian (General Veers) and Ken (Admiral Piett) again from Empire Strikes Back (I met them at a party in Indianapolis last year. They are wonderful guys and perfect English gentlemen).
Amy got me a guest pass for the Con the following day, which pretty much gave me free reign of the place. Amy had to work all day signing autographs and stuff so I just wandered around. The Con was mostly comic books, so there wasn't much for me to do, but I did meet a lot of really cool people and they did have a private bar for the guests that was free. I didn't realize it at first, but the badge she gave me was the same as the badges all the artists and actors were wearing, so I constantly had people asking me who I was and what I did. After a few drinks I started telling people I was one of the Jedi in EpII and I even signed a few autographs. Probably go to Hell for that one.
The highlight of my weekend was sitting at the bar and looking over and seeing Marv Wolfman, Len Wein and Dick Giordano sitting next to me. These guys are Legends in the comic book industry and wrote more shit than I could ever list here. They were true gentlemen (not like a lot of the younger artists and writers who looked and acted like rock stars) and we had a great conversation about the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Star Wars.
Andy from Angel hosted a karaoke party last night, but weather was getting bad so I decided to head back early....

Very cool. I spent my weekend caning up a mates' house. Managed to spend nearly £20 on munchies which really worries me, along with the fact that I have no recollection of doing anything constructive yesterday beyond staring at a TV.
Jeffasin had a better weekend then I did. Wish I was there!
The most exciting thing I did was went and saw Die Another Day. It's alright. I'd give it an 8 out of 10.
That and I also touched myself a couple of times when I was alone...
nothing exciting.

Marching on through the rivers of red,
Jeff, Did your friend play the blue chick in EP2? I went to the Con today. I didnt get much as I got a Mighty Mighty Bosstones concert wed a Dio show Thursday and am going to Chicago on friday to see Blind Guardian on saturday. I would have liked to get her autograph but I didnt want to fork over the twenty bucks.
started drinking on sat at the civilised time of 11am,bbq for lunch with a few friends and off to the watering hole bout 6pm,it wasnt till the next day that i found out a few of us at the pub were cheering nearly every single woman that happened to pass us,i definately didnt let the team down,u can get away with a fair bit at this pub we went too,they are pretty leniant.

pulled up ok on sunday morning..

overall pretty quiet weekend!
J had a killer weekend. Me, I had a 5 day weekend, and slept thru half of it. I went out with my friends Thanksgiving Eve, and I don't know if someone put something in my drink, if I got some bad drafts, if instead of taking the right medication before I went to bed I grabbed something bad, but I slept thru all of Thanksgiving. All of it. I just could not stay awake. Friday I still felt wierd. It was scary really. I bounced back Saturday and ordered up a boxing PPV, but it sucked, so i really feel like my vacation was a total waste. How depressing.
Drank some good whiskey. helped promote a show. Smoked crack, ate the turkeys ass, got laid, stuck my balls in a jello mold, saved the world, the usual shit.
Cincy- Yeah, Amy played Aayla Secura (if you can call it that, she was in the movie for like a second). She was a production assistant at ILM (ie a gopher) and they needed more Jedi to fill out the Arena scene, so she got the part of "the athletic, female Jedi". Since her little cameo, she now just does conventions and shit because Star Wars fans will rake out ungodly amounts of money for anything with Lucasfilm Ltd. on it. She doesn't even work at ILM anymore. They've made a couple comic books based on her character, which I haven't read because my interest in Star Wars ends with the movies, and next year she may get an action figure. Tell me how jealous I am. She hasn't heard yet if she's going to be brought back for the next movie, but you bet your ass I been buggin' the shit out of her to get me in there somewhere. Yeah right....

Dude that is so cool. She was very cute, Why have you not hooked up with her? Everyone would love a hot movie star girlfriend. Plus at twenty bucks a pop for an autograph shes gotta have mad cash. :)
studied 6 hours straight, drank 4 beers, watched Simpsons, played a little geetar, surfed the net, studied some more, listened to some metal, oogled chicks at a bar... pretty much the old same routine
Well my weekend was pretty pish really i was working sat and sun ( virgin megastore glasgow)

I am gona make up for it tonight tho at the Hate Eternal gig WoooooooHooooooooooo :)

Trying to go into labour Pheeewwww I thought i had been workin hard!!! :eek:
just loads of alcohol on friday and saterday, got some cheap jeans on sale, it went from 80 to 25€, gambled a bit won a cool 56€ in 3 minutes, tried to get some ugly chick into bed, and thank you god!!!I failed!!!went to a steakhouse on sunday for dinner with some friends and that's it!!!!!!!