O/T a Keen Armored Saint story!


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
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Ok, Ok, maybe the story isn't so great...nevertheless....

A long time ago.....I was a Senior in high school. And we all took off for a party on the weekend. Alas, I forget the day.

A great party...out in the sticks....beer, beer, beer, and the scads of eager young high school poontang looking for a good time. But, my priorities were elsewhere.

You see MTV (back when they actually could call themselves "Music Television" without most people scoffing at the notion!) had a sweet concert on that night:

"The Hell On Wheels Tour" Live, from Minneapolis. Featuring, Helloween, Armored Saint & Grim Reaper.

Anyway, I got the itch to light out, from said party, as I did not want to miss this epochal event. I remember several friends & aquantainces shaking there heads, wondering why I wanted to leave such a bitchin' party, to see the Saint. Fools! What did they know?

So I went home, fired up the VCR and fidgeted through Helloween. Then the Mighty Saint came on and blew there doors off, and ripped that dump apart!! What a concert!! As soon as the Saint left the stage, I turned the VCR off, and watched it again...and again...what a show!!!

Ahh the memories. But unfortunately, it was taped on Beta, and my copy no longer exists.....Why me God?

So does anyone else have a copy out there?? That would be so sweet....especially if someone has had the gumption to burn it onto DVD!!!

Talk to me people!!!

Blatz rules!

:Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke:
They will have the live version of "Chemical Euphoria" as that was on the VHS copy of "Trip"; I doubt if they will have the whole concert, though....

So does anyone have a VHS/Beta/DVD copy of this momentous event?

Man, I would give that person, actual American currency and maybe even a case of Blatz.....
I've never been able to lock that show down. Anthrax vids are scarce enough. Take that scarcity times 100 and you've got the figure for Saint boots. I know of two sources that "could" find it, but I only see them once a year, and by the time they come to that convention, they've either forgotten, or have had no luck. Is it something that is "find-able" yes, it has to exist. If Armored Saint were able to put clips of it in the VHS, then it is theirs (sometimes these tapes become property of who ever filmed &/or aired it) So I would e-mail the saint web site and bring it up. Also, look for Grim reaper and helloween bootleg lists, and see if that leads you anywhere.

ps: i have seen this saint show on peoples lists before, but it's never been listed in excellent condition, so i've never messed with it. patience, it will show up.
Guys (and gal) I just saw this on ebay. I typed in helloween and it was 10 or 12 down on the list. The dude says its a DVD and that it has all 3 bands. Says it was taped in Minn. had a buy it now for 16 bucks. So if you wanna take a chance drop the twenty bucks and have at it.
There ya go. Cross references always help. I've found a lot of Anthrax shows by looking for Motley vids, Pantera vids, and Misfits vids, and then asking "hey did the dude you got that from tape the opening act??" If something exists on film, it is out there, and you can acquire it...............
I checked under "Helloween" on Ebay, and lo & behold there was a DVD available. I am going to put my money order in the mail tommorrow.

I will keep you posted, as events transpire. I just hope the quality is there.....