John Fuckin' Bush


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
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Just thought I would let you all know, I shook John's hand. It was at the Armored Saint show, spring 2000 at the Rave in Milwaukee. Also got to say hi to Joey, Phil & Dave from the band.

The highlight of my young life. John has always been my fave or 2nd fave singer. I wish I could have gotten back stage passes, but alas, it was not meant to be.

Suffice it to say, that was one of the finest concerts I've ever been to. Although the opening bands sucked....they freaked me out...I was just a tad bit high....and these bands (I forget there names) were just a little weird. The opening acts drummer had some weird makeup on, and in my state I thought he was casting the "Optica Demonica"* at me.....SCARY!

Take care, and cold Blatz to all!

:puke: :puke: :puke:

* "Evil Eye"
2000 ????? Dave ?????
must have been one HELL of a show if Dave was must have been a little more than a "bit high" if you met Dave at that show.....

Might it have been Jeff or Gonzo that you met???

RIP.....Dave Prichard....

Long Live the MIGHTY SAINT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--- We've Come For You All ----
"Also got to say hi to Joey, Phil & Dave from the band. "

What was I thinking this morning? Little too much vodka!

Not Dave, I meant "Jeff" (as in Duncan)!

What was I thinking? The shame will follow me to my grave..........
yeah the show in houston was badass. John was so social. I was all up in the front headbanging and he grabbed my hair.
our opoening bands were funky as all hell. They were rap groups. Not rap rock either. it was like two whit guys was the first act. they didn't even have soundsystems just mics. then the second was three white guys and they had a mixer. and a turntable. the next group was rap rock. Then the next was a very cool hardcore band. and it was there farewell show. Then the might Saint.
That show was badass. best show I've ever been to.
The Saint show I saw was either the best or second best, EVER. Also saw Maiden the year before and that was kick-ass as Well!!!

Long live the mighty Saint!!!!